chapter 7

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Sirius just stormed up the stairs!

Aly - guys go stop him; I have to be unseen for the week. So I'll be in my lioness form yall can call me sunrise so no one knows it's me. Dumbledore is going to announce it tomorrow that Gryffindors masket is going to be here for the week. That i'm in my room for the week preparing for the ball.

Guys- ok Aly do you want to sleep in our room?

Aly - sure

I went up to my room waited until midnight and changed to my lioness form and went down to Dumbledore office.

Professor Dumbledore- Aly change so I know what to call you.

I changed human.

Aly- you can call me sunrise and I will be staying in Sirius black room. He is my cousin after all.

Professor Dumbledore- ok I told the fat lady to let you in any time without a password.

Aly- thank you professor.

I changed back to my lioness and ran to the common room. I lay down in the end of Sirius' bed. He kicked me and I growled at him. Causing him to wake up.
Sirius - Aly why are you on my bed?

I rolled my eyes at him and jumped down and stratched decided to wake up the whole gryffindor house so I let out a loud roar. I heard everyone up. I decided to go down to the common room. I laid down on a couch.

Molly p- lily why is there a lioness in the common room?

Lily- potter, who is the lioness?

James- it's sunrise she is the gryffindor muskat and decided to dorm in our room. She woke up Sirius and he kicked her so I guess she decided to take it out on the house by waking everyone up.

I got up and went to the picture and paw at the painting.

Lily- she can't go around unsupervised can she?

James- why not?

The maurders follow me and Sirius transformed into a dog and talk to me.

Sirius - Hey let's go talk to Dumbledore if Luc can transform into his snake and stay like that for a week and Draco is a badger right?

Aly - yes so we get them to transform so I'm not the only one missing!

Sirius - yep

Sirius went back human and the maurders went in to the great hall and told Dumbledore and then Luc and drake come out and saw me. They transform into their form.

Drake- so we staying like this for a week?

Aly - yep so let do pranks

Luc- Aly I know he is your brother but remember the real fimulars of these houses would not get along so me and you can only be seen getting along!

Aly- yep that will help with the prank

Drake- yep

Just then Dumbledore announced us so Luc and I went first and then Draco caught up I then trip him! The hall started laughing!

Professor Dumbledore - May I interduce sly the maskat for slytherin; sunrise the maskat for gryffindor and mudball the maskat for hufflepuff house. They will be here for the week treat them like your beloved pets.

Luc decided to slyther over to the slytherin table. Drake went to the Hufflepuff table and they both cocked their heads to the side letting me know it's time. I winked my eye and the lights went out and I jumped on the table back in human form and started the music. Nala my brothers female lion stand beside me full grown so no one figures out I'm the lioness. I cut the lights back on.

Aly- I miss our long talks.
Your smile, your laugh.
I miss our friendship.
I wish I could have it all back.

I finished singing lights went out again and Nala turn to cub form and I went back to my lioness form and laid down next to Sirius and winked my eye and the lights came back on and the great hall applauded me!!!!!!!

Professor Dumbledore - that will be the last time y'all will see princess amber to her ball. At least the students and professors should know our three guests animals will be going to all classes and they choose to they will participate. You will all on these are no ordinary animals. At last it's time to go to classes! Bellatrix black - you will take care of sly. Sirius Black - you will take care of sunrise. Amos Diggory - you will take care of mudball. Off to classes everyone!

I walked out with serious trying to put a collar on me. So I took off too Minnie and hid behind her.

Professor McGonagall- Mr black, what are you trying to do?

Sirius - well Minnie, I am trying to put a collar on sunshine!

Professor McGonagall - detention for calling me Minnie and she doesn't have to wear a collar she'll behave just fine or I will tell her parents.

I gulped and walked over to Sirius and hide behind him. I walked out of the class room and went to the Black Lake. I saw a boy in Gryffindor he look like a first year next to the lake riding so I went over to him next to my head on his hand and lay down.

Jeremy- Hey sunrise where is Sirius ain't he supposed to be watching you?

I huffed and rolled my eyes.

Jeremy- guess, you don't like Sirius. He is my brothers best friend. I'm scared he is going to find out I am in love with his cousin.

I wish I could tell Jeremy that it was me but I don't know how. The rest of the week went by fast. So I went up to my room to take a shower.

Princess Amber Alyssa Nicole GrantWhere stories live. Discover now