Chapter 30

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Dear Mother,
I'm sorry for taking off and I know Alice can't see my future anymore but that's cause I found a way to be human again and I'm a wolf now. The cullens know what I mean but claus has the family engagement ring. Y'all can stop planning the wedding cause I'm not marrying someone that will sleep with a guard member behind my back. Your brother Edward knows what I'm talking about but I'm safe mother I don't know when I'll return or if I will but tell severus that the potion I was working on that I need his help with is in my draw in my room. It's a wolfsbane potion for Remus. When completed it will help him on the full moon. I'm sorry for taking off like I did but I couldn't be there around him. I'll come back but I don't know when. Tell Draco he is to be the prement headmaster of the Volturi Academy. I love you mom and tell everyone I'm sorry except claus tell him I hope he rots in hell for cheating on me and tell him not to worry about my children yes I'm having twins but tell him they have a father that won't cheat on their mother. Good bye mother


I called snowflake, Billy's owl.

Aly- snowflake take this to Bella Gaunt and don't give it to no one Else and don't wait for a reply. When you get back I'll give you a bag full of owl treats. She's at the Volturi castle.

I watched snowflake fly away with the letter. Then walked downstairs. My best friend Sarah, Billy's imprint was in the kitchen so I snuck passed the pack and hugged Sarah from behind. She turned around and screamed out in happiness. Billy and Jay both ran into the room to see why she screamed and laugh when they saw flour on her face and eggs on mine.

Aly- hey Sarah you remember what we did when people laugh at us for having egg on our faces or flour?

Sarah- yeah Alyssa I do.

We then both grabbed four eggs each and started walking towards them.

Billy- baby, I was only laughing cause you looked so cute with flour on your face.

Jay- Aly Please don't get me with those eggs.

We reached them and slammed all four eggs on there head. I then looked at sarah. We took off running.

Aly- harry protect me and my unborn twins from Jay please.

He laughed

Harry- what did you do this time?

Aly- he laughed at the egg on my face so I cracked four eggs on his head!

Harry- ok quick under the table!

I crawled under the table but then got real warm and started shaking.

aly- harry grab me and take me outside fast and I'm about to phase.

He grabbed me and take me outside fast and called for billy and Jay and told sarah to go inside just incase. She went inside.

Jay- what you do harry?

Harry- nothing

I just felt my clothes rip and looked down at my white paws.

Princess Amber Alyssa Nicole GrantWhere stories live. Discover now