CHAPTER 21 (meeting with Dumbledore, Minnie and madame pomfrey

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Gargoyle- password please

Aly- I am queen Amber Alyssa Nicole Grant! I don't need a password!

Gargoyle- sorry queen

The gargoyle moved and I climbed up the stairs to his office. I entered in seen the 3 of them there.

Dumbledore - queen amber what do we owe the pleasure of you coming to Hogwarts?

Aly- I want to start a wizarding school in Italy. Well in the Volturi to be exact it will be the Volturi castle for the school and I need you also help with charming the castle into school and enchanting picture frames and stuff. Also I have official order business to. James and Lily will be married a month after hogwarts. Lily will give birth to a boy named harry the seventh month he will be the only one to destroy the dark lord. I am going to offer Lily and James a teaching job at my school and since it will be an Italian school. James and lily being british it will be the last place Voldamort will look. It will keep them together and of course I'm going to give Frank longbottom and Alice the same offer so they will be safe too. But there is a first year student to his name is severus snape. I have a good reason behind it. I am a now running for the potions master award and I know snape is excellent making potions and I want to keep him away from the dark lord as well as the group together. Which is james potter; Remus Lupin; Bellatrix black; Narcissa Black; lucius malfoy; lily evans; molly Prewitt; author Weasley; and I need siruis lil brother regulas and snape; frank longbottom and Alice. these told students will be the first studentsof Volturi Academy but I picked these twelve cause they will all make great teachers when the graduate but they come they can never returned home and I will need death records for all of them so the dark lord will think they are dead and it will keep potters safe in the end. Do y'all think you can help me?

Dumbledore - that was quite a speech and if these students agree we can get death certificates in place but we will need look alikes for all of them and the three of us will join yall the day after tomorrow to help with the Volturi Academy.

Aly- thank you so much I must go meet up with the students now.

I walked down to the ROR and found Sirius argueing with snape and his little brother.

Princess Amber Alyssa Nicole GrantWhere stories live. Discover now