Your First Time | Zayn

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Guys, I want to cry because I wrote the best smut ever and it deleted itself. I now have to try and write from memory and I could seriously cry rn... *sigh* R.I.P Harry preference

Yours and Zayn's first time ahh! - oh yeah, and wedding night


"Zayn put me down." You giggle as your new husband carries you up the stairs and into the master bedroom of your new house.

"Okay." Zayn shrugs nonchalantly, throwing you onto the bed.

You squeal as he then pounces at you and attacks you with tickles.

"Z-Zayn please," you stutter in between spurts of laughter.

He just laughs finally stopping his assault and you storm straight out of the room.

"Y/N please come back, I was just joking about." He whines, following you into the spare room.

"Well," you smile smugly, "I'm not joking about when I tell you that you're sleeping here tonight," you tell him.

"You can't be serious," he states in disbelief.

"But Zaynie, I couldn't be anymore serious." You tell him matter-of-factly, coming into dangerously close proximity with his heavenly face before sashaying out of the room, proud that you didn't crack and forgive him.


An hour later you hear a sigh from the spare room and a light switch being turned off.

You stalk down the hallway and quietly slip into the spare room.

Zayn senses someone there and slowly gets up ready to strike any intruder, as

he approaches you you can't help but grab his face and plant a long awaited

kiss onto it.

"I missed you baby." You admit shyly, showering his beautiful face with kisses.

"I missed you too love." He grins.

"Well then, I think you'll appreciate this much much more." You say, dragging

out your words seductively as you walk him to your room.

"Wait- what?" He asks somewhat confused.

"You slip out of the wedding gown you've adorned for the past 14 hours and turn to him, clad in your new lingerie that you bought just for him.

"Are you sure you're ready babe?" He asks unsure, looking you up and down and biting at his lower lip.

"Ready as I'll ever be." You grin eagerly, anticipating what's to come.


Keeping it clean 8)

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