You're 'The Help' | N

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Basically. Miss Hilly Holbrook fired you and spread lies about you around town, so now you can't get a job ANYWHERE. Sooooo, this is how you deal...

in this scene, Niall will be replacing Hilly's mother-


*knock*        *knock*       *knock*

You took a step back after knocking thrice on the Holbrook residence.

Miss. Hilly came to the screen door, and looked you over thoughtfully as you told her "sorry" and lifted the pie in your hand to show you came in peace.

She rolled her eyes, motioned you to come in with her finger, in and walked into the dining room as you let yourself in.

You set the pie down and watched as she began to devour the DELICIOUS pie you'd brought her.

"So. No one wanted to hire a thieving, sass mouthing nigra," She pauses to pop her mouth as she ate, 

"Did they?" She smirks slightly, then placing her attention back on the pie, as you watch her, a smirk playing on your lips.

Stuffing her face with yet another forkful of pie, "Ugh, pie's as good as always Y/N." She tells you savouring every mouthful.

"I'm glad you like it." You chirp sweetly, smiling big.

Just then Master. Horan walks in, heading over to the bourbon.

"If I take you back," Hilly starts, turning your attention back to her, "I'll have to cut your pay back 5 dollars." She tells you matter-of-factly, still going at the pie greedily.

"Take me back?" You ask in disbelief, almost laughing at the thought.

Master. Horan eyes you both thoughtfully.

"Ugh! What is it you put in here that makes it fast so good?!" Hilly gushes, hand signals emphasising JUST how good your cake really is.

You smirk, walking towards her cockily.

"That GOOD vanilla from mexico." You smirk proudly, taking another step towards her. "And something else, REAL special." You tell her mischievously.

Hilly moans in delight as she has YET ANOTHER bite.

'NO NO NO Mr. Horan. That's Miss. Hilly's SPECIAL pie." You tell him smiling crazy.

Hilly looks up skeptically. "Niall can have a piece." She dictates.

Niall looks at you expectantly and you stare right back.

"Ugh! Cut him one!" Hilly tells you hardly, shoving the pie down the table to you.

"Go get a plate." She shooes you to the kitchen to follow orders.



You study her for a second, then finally slam your hand down on the table and tell her, "Eat my shit."

She chokes slightly and looks up at you gobsmacked. "Excuse me?"

"I said" You tell her once again, looking her hard in the eye.

"Have you lost your mind?" She challenges you, finishing up the bite in her mouth and rising up from her seat.

"No ma'am, but you about to, cause you just did." You tell her matter of factly.

*You eye the pie*


*You eye the pie again, Master Horan then gasping and laughing*

Hilly instantly eyes the pie then gags and runs off.

"And you didn't just eat one, you ate TWO slices!" Niall shouts after her, creasing in laughter.

You quickly ran out of the house, not looking back.

what had you done?!

"RUN, MINNY, RUUN!!" Niall shouted out to you, clutching his sides as he laughed, and laughed... and laughed.

this was LOLS

um, what should i even rant about (cause i've got a rant book) -check it out :P

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