Meet All The Boys | Liam

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This is what you wore((; - Fancy I know


"GOODNIGHT WEMBLEY!!!" The boys all said in Unison before leaving the stage in style and a mashup of songs began to play.

You looked around ,feeling for the girls crying hysterically.

How could you not?! You were about to see your BOYFRIEND Liam Payne backstage and they weren't.

"C'mon Y/N your best friend urged, dragging you to the barriers where a long line of body guards stood high and mighty.

You easily identified Paul and walked up to him, immediately being granted access backstage.

"Paul you really should check our passes, I could be a crazy white girl with a black suit on." You joke chuckling.

"How does she come up with this nonsense?" He asks your friend teasingly.

"God only knows." Y/B/F/N sighed smiling at you amused.

"Just saying, Paulo." You giggled as you called him the nickname you knew he hated.

He groaned and face palmed. "Take her." He told Liam in mock-seriousness as you arrived at the dressing rooms.

"Gladly." Liam grinned, placing a sweet kiss on your plump lips.

"Ughh." Paul and Y/B/F/N groaned.

'Help Me' your best friend mouthed as Paul made a quick getaway.

"Thanks." She shouted to him sarcastically.

"Anytime." You heard him shout back with a laugh.

You and Liam just laughed and he went to hug Y/B/F/N.

"You two make me sick in the best way." She told Liam.

"We'll take that." He smirked and you just laughed at her backhanded compliment.

"That's the best you're getting out of me." She teasing, looking around for something.

"Is that so... What are you looking to get out of Louis then?!" Liam asked her with an amused smirk on his face.

She looked to you both with a mortified expression on her face, as if she were a deer caught in headlights.

"What are you trying to imply Payne-in-the-ass." She questioned quickly.

"Exactly what I said." He tells her with a shrug.

"Y/N tell your boyfriend to back off." She sighs. "He knows how I feel." She accused with a frown.

"Woah, Y/B/F/N. That's exactly why I wanted to be the first to tell you to go for it." He smiles. "Now that El's contract is up for renewal, you have a chance to finally get him before he's forced to renew." Liam ends grinning.

"Liam, are you serious." She asks eyes nearly glossing over.

"Would I kid you?" He asks half serious.

She just chuckles and gives him a quick hug before running off to find her man.

"He's a keeper Y/N." She shouts back at you before rounding a corner and leaving your sight.

"I know." You whisper to yourself smiling.

"And never forget it." Liam tells you before kissing your forehead.

You just giggled and opened the door to enter his dressing room.

"Don't you wanna see the boys?" He asks you surprised as you go to walk into the room.

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