You Meet His Ex | Liam

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(Thanksgiving Dinner)

"Liam hurry up!" You shouted up the stairs at your vain boyfriend.

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming." He shouted back nonchalantly.

By now you'd had enough and you were about four five seconds from beating his ass.

"Boy if your ass isn't in the car in the next 30 seconds, I swear to God I won't be accountable for my actions." You say through gritted teeth.

But lucky for him he stepped out of your room with seconds to spare and finally made his way downstairs.

As you set your eyes on him you couldn't help but gasp at the sight of him.

"Like what you see?" He smirked, lifting your jaw to close your gaping mouth.

You quickly snapped out of it and shook your head. "Pft, I've seen better." You teased smirking right back.

"Don't kid yourself Princess." He told you cheekily, smacking your ass as he headed out the door.

"You really are a pain in the ass." You giggled following after him.

"I aim to please." He grinned as you gasped at his crudeness.

"Liam!" You scolded as he just shrugged smirking.

(Basically he made an anal joke loool)

+++ Mama Payne's House +++

"Y/N!! It's so good to see you." Liam's mother gushed, bringing you into a spine crushing hug.

"It's great to see you too Mrs Payne. How've you been?"

"Oh you know, just missing my baby, and you of course. But you're both here now." She gushed embracing you even tighter.

"And we're so glad to see you too!" You tell her sincerely.

"Good, now come on kids, we've got a special guest here with us." She smiled a bit too brightly, almost sourly in fact.

"Let's go meet them then." You smiled at Liam, taking his hand into yours and following Mama Payne into the Dining Room.

You looked around the table trying to pick out the new individual.

"Liam, I don't see any-"

"Hey Y/N! It's so good to see you, you're looking nice and WELL fed!" She gushed fakely, embracing you in a literal BONE CRUSHING  hug.

You groaned internally.

"Wish I could say the same.. wait, no I don't, you're a bitch." You smile, throwing in a giggle for the hell of it.

Leaving Sophia with an even tighter hug you sat yourself next to Liam and 1conversed with members of his and your family all around the table.

Soon after Mama Payne finally took her seat next to Papa Payne the dinner finally started and went as smoothly as a baby's bottom...


It was now 10pm in the evening and the festivities were going well.

Though everyone was a little tipsy, you kept away from the drink and just enjoyed being in the presence of all these drunken fools.

"Y/N!" You heard someone slut your name.

"Y/N... Y/N." The voice got louder with every passing second. They were approaching you.

"That's me." You chirped, turning to face the voice.

"Y/N!" Sophia said cheerily.

"Have you b-been avoiding me or something, I haven't s-seen you since... eaaaaaaarlier." She told you through hiccups and slurs.

"I wonder why." You said all too sarcastically.

"No need to be rude." She whined. "I just wanted to come over and see how you and my leftovers were doing."  She smirked drunkenly.

You fought internally to hold sharkeisha back and instead chose to flame the bitch with words.

"Oh boo, you mean my 5 course meal. He good." You smirk back menacingly.

"Your 5 course meal is my leftovers, how my pussy taste?" She smiled turning her head at an angle.

"Like the worst he's ever had." You inform her. "He wasn't even sure what you were rocking down there to be quite honest, but he's slowly but surely recovering."

"Shut up! He loved all of this." She slurs gesturing her hands up and down her body.

"Which is why he's still with all of that, right?" You smirked as she flushed beet red.

"Home wrecking heffa!" She huffs.

"Sidechick." You fire back smiling at her menacingly.

"You bitch!" She shouts drunkenly while lunging at you.

"Your drunk Sophia, let's get you home." Liam tells her grabbing her, and blocking her from getting to you.

"Liam..." She slurs one last time before going out cold.


After getting Sophia to a guest room, Liam left to help his mum out in the kitchen so you thought you would too.

As you were about to enter you heard Liam start to ask her a question and being the polite person you were, didn't want to interrupt.

If it was a personal question you'd take your black ass outta there, if not then what was the harm in listening in.

"Mum..." He started uncertainly.

"Yes baby." She smiled at him brightly.

He sighed and sucked it up. "Mum, why did you invite Sophia in the first place." He groaned.

She sighed and chuckled lightly.

"What's funny?" He questioned suspiciously.

"Hunny she invited herself." Mrs Payne giggled.


"Liam, she invites herself to everything we do, but I usually never let her come. Until tonight, tonight I wanted her to see how happy you are with Y/N." She chuckled, smiling at the end.

"This is why I love you." He grins laughing with her.

"Yeah, I know. Tell Y/N to come in know, she wasn't fooling anyone." His mum smirks.

You gasped embarassed and slowly entered the room sming sheepishly.

"Come here girl." She beamed at you before enveloping you into a bone crushing hug


Lool Mama Payne a savage.

P.s. Sorry for saying slur a lot in this :/  and sorry for Y/N being so sassy again. I just write it like I'm saying it haha

Love y'all gazillions<3

Thanks for reading my poop(:

^^ Lmao at the word poop (':

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