Good night

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Hello hello ! Already chapter five ? Geez, anyway, hope you all will like this one !

Moon POV

Moon was working as usual in the sleeping area with some baby's. He always was more confortable with the baby's then with the young childrens, so the baby's would always be lefted in the sleeping area with him.

- Yes little star, I know you're hungry, here.
As Moon was taking care of a crying child by putting a baby's bottle in his mouth, another started to cry.

- Yes yes I hear you David, I'm coming for you darling.
Moon took both of the children in his hands while helping them with agility. He hummed a lullaby while he took care of the multiple baby's.

"... Gosh... I love my job..." Though Moon, and he did. He was not only good with baby's but since the update in his system after his separation from Sun, he also found himself a talent of understanding people.

- Mmmmmh mmhmhh~

Understanding is a big word, Moon could more... Feel what people felt. Pain, sadness, he even felt like he already had felt love... and a heart break... he never loved anyone though, how could he understand things like that ?...

"WAAAAAAAAAAH !" Screamed a baby.

- I heard you Philippe, I'm coming.

Anyway, he had too much work to think about his feelings.

"Heeeeey Mooooooon !"
- Oh, hi Sun, take this a minute.

Said Moon as he almost trowed a baby at Sun.

"Moon ! That's a child, be careful!"
-... Dave is a Monster, nothing or nobody could kill him, believe me, I tried...
"... MOON !??!??"
-... Kidding.

Moon was in a good mood, he even made a joke, the separation was really for the best.

"... Pain."

- Yes yes Johnny, I'm coming.
"Moooon, the child is screaming !"
- I can hear Sun.

Moon tried his best to help every children, but they all seemed to scream at the same time. "WAAAAAH !"

- Alright, it's time to sleep now everybody.

Moon opened his stomach and activated a button. Soon, all of the baby seemed to stop crying and started sleeping.

-... Better.
"... Moon ?"

Moon turned around, Sun was still at the entrance of the sleeping room, holding carefully a baby in his arms.

-... Don't worry, the perfume is made of Moondrop's, it's not dangerous for them.
".... O-Okay... Then, I'll be going... bye bye !" Sun put the baby in his bed before going out of the sleeping area.

-... Children must sleep when it's their bedtime... I don't see what's wrong in that.


"... What's that... Nobody is hurt, everyone is fine, nothing is painful."


-... Ugh... I should probably take a break.

Moon sat down on the ground before starting to sing a lullaby. His eyes soon turned off as the lullaby continued.

- ~Os iusti meditabitur sapientiam...~

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