'I wanna wake up !'

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Hello hello little babies ! I hope your gonna like this chapter !
Anyway, enjoy !


Sun's mind was a mess, his body was advertising him of his damaged wire in his neck. He couldn't "wake up" but his mind wasn't off, it was almost like he was paralyzed. He could hear some noise around him, he knew they were people beside him but he didn't know who was it.

-... M-Moon ?... Where are you ??... I-I'm scared... I'm scared !!!.
In reality, Sun wasn't moving or speaking. But Moon sensed that something was off and suddenly woke up.

"... Sun" he said as his eyes lightened.
"Moon ?" Jason questioned. "Why are you-" he couldn't finish his sentence that Moon already got up and walked toward Sun to take his hands in his own.

"... It's gonna be okay Sun, Jason is gonna fix you..." Moon said as he sat back on the ground, still holding Sun's hand as he turned off again. Sun's mind was still scared and lost, but he felt Moon's hand, he felt the cold metal in his hand. He could feel. I can feel.





Moon POV

Moon's sensors told him that someone or something was touching his face. His eyes lightened as he saw Jason in front of him.

"... Wake up, the sun is rising."
-... Sun ?
"Yeah the sun is rising."
- No, where's Sun ?
"Already outside, I just finished repairing him. Go charge a while outside, the Sun panels are in the garden, use the back door."

Moon quickly got up before heading outside, he walked down the stairs, looking at his feet before finally looking up.

- S-...

... Outside... He couldn't believe it... It was beautiful. The tall trees had a deep green color, the brown ground was covered in leaves, some littles insectes were crawling on the floor, the small pond beside the garden, the landscape... Oh, Moon could never have imagined that... Moon could have died here and be physically in peace. And for the first time, Moon felt like he was free.

"Hey, Moon !" Freddy said. He was sitting on the floor, two wires connected to his ears.
"MOON !!!!" Sun jumped in his arms and gave him a tight hug. "I was so scared ! I-I-" Started Sun. Moon smiled as he put his forehead on Sun's. The two of them liked to do that with each other, it made them feel like they were connected to each other. They didn't have to speak to understand each other, they felt like they were one person again, in one body but both of their souls connected.

-... I love you... I was so scared... I felt what you felt... I was so scared.
"... I-I love you... I was scared too... I just want us to be free..."

They closed their eyes a minute before they sensed a presence behind them. They both opened their eyes and let go of each other.
"... I'm glad to see that you're both doing well" Said Jason "... Hey Bonnie, have you recharged enough ?"
"Not that much, but I can still turn myself off and recharge later..." Said Bonnie.
"... Come here, I'll fix your arm."

They both headed inside of the house as the other animatronics stayed outside. Jason and the others had installed the sun panel in the middle of the garden, Moondrop connected two of the wires to his face before sitting down beside everyone.

"... I wonder what we're gonna do today !" Said Chica joyfully.
"Jason said he had a lot of stuff to do with us today, but he also need to rest..." Responded Roxy
-... He won't rest until he's done everything he had to do.

Moon sighed, his objective for the day was to help Jason as best as he could and make him take breaks. "...He didn't eat since the day before yesterday, We'll need to prepare food for him." Moon though. Where could he buy or even find food ? Jason would need to go by himself since he looks like a normal human and seeing a big animatronic buying things by himself is kinda weird.

"Fuck" Though Moon "More job for Jason to do" Moondrop then closed his eyes, he let his batterie charge as everyone was talking with each other. They felt free, but they were all still scared that their new freedom was gonna be taken from them.

Once he and the others were fully charged, they got up and unplugged their wires.
"... Do you think we could help Jason ?" Asked Freddy.
"I mean, we could ask." Responded Monty.

They all headed toward the inside of the house. Now that the sun was up, they could finally see the house perfectly. The house felt old, it was certain that nobody had been living there for a long time. The walls had a light brown wallpaper while the floor was made of dark wood. The walls were covered in many windows, lighting the rooms. The living room was big and could be seen from the open kitchen. A big table with eight chairs was sitting in the middle and beside it, a big sofa was sitting in front of the multiple windows of the room.

The house was enough to keep eight people in it even though it really needed to be cleaned and repaired. Moon and the others headed toward Jason's office, they knocked at the door before pushing the door and entering the room.

"...Do you need anything ?" Asked Jason still repairing Bonnie's arm.
"We return you the question, is there anything we could do to help you ?" Said Chica.

Jason seemed to think. "... We'll, we need to take your GPS chip off of you before taking it somewhere far away if we don't want to be localisated by the Pizzaplex president. I would also need to eat if I want to stay alive... heh... But I still need to repair all of you and to put the firewalls in your system off..." He then sighed loudly. "... I should probably start with your GPS's chips."

"Wait," Started Monty "We have a GPS device ?"
"Well yes," Responded Jason "I know where Sun and Moon's are placed in their bodies, but it may be different for you."
"Then you should start with them. You can repair my arm later since you already stop the energy from going out of the wires, now my battery can last longer." Said Bonnie. Jason thought for a while, it is true that he already "fixed" Bonnie's arm in a practical way, but he still need to find a replacement to give him a new left arm.

"... Okay," The man finally said. "then we'll need to use the car to drive the chips away from us... And we'll also need a replacement arm and some other replacement pieces just in case."
"I could drive with Chica, then we could drop you at a store to buy some food." Said Roxy.
"But someone needs to protect Jason in case some people from the Pizzaplex come." Said Freddy in a worried tone.

"Oh, we could dress you up to make you look human !" Said Chica "I bet you would look great with a wig and some actual clothes ! Do you think we could do it Jason !?"
"...I guess so," Said Jason "My aunt left some of her old clothes here, but-"
"...Heh, you're gonna wear a dress, what a himbo~" Said Monty playfully.
"And he-" Bonnie said, trying to defend Freddy.
"And I'm going to look stunning, I'll be so pretty that you will find me "hot"." Said Freddy in a confident tone. Both Bonnie and Monty were shocked, they weren't used to these kinds of sentences going out of Freddy's mouth.

"Sorry but we won't need to dress Freddy up, the bot of this area only have facial recognition for humans, they can't detect robots." Jason said. Chica, Bonnie and Monty's smiles disappeared.
-... Me, Sun and Monty then could probably clean the house a bit.
"Yes, all this mess is making me go crazy !" Said Sun.
"Okay okay, I'll take your GPS device from you before we do that." Said Jason.

And like that, all animatronics waited their turn to have their GPS chip taken off.

To be continued...

Hello again, just to clarify, Moon and Sun aren't romantically attracted to each other. In this fanfic they really are like brother, they were the "same person" and shared the same body, so brotherhood is for me the best representation for them. Anyway, see you next time ! 

Ps: I will soon pass my final exams, I still don't know if I will have the time to publish or not. Sorry in advance if that happen ^^'

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