Chapter 22: Pain

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"Uhh.... I was saying, that their is still a chance." He quickly changed the subject. "At the current condition, he is suffering from high temperature fevers and fatigues until he is given the drug. Giving him that will improve his initial health but not heal him the way we want. It's most likely for his memory and sense of self not to return. Since giving drug can lead to his death...." Amato again glared him. The doctor chocked his own words. "I.... I mean in short we shouldn't give him any medicines and most likely that drug. He has to fight for his health himself. It's painful and risky but we have no other option."

After saying this the doctor hurriedly measured his way and flee before Admiral can book a ticket for him to heaven. Amato just stood their digesting the words. Was his baby boy that close to leaving him? No BoBoiBoy will fight and he will make sure that he will win. Was the thought going on Amato's head.

He opened the infirmary's door and looked around to find his son on a bed with an IV attached of his hand and several machines hooked to him trying to get the drug out of his system and to ensure his heartbeat's stability and other things. He sighed and came closer to his only son and ruffled his hair. Even in an unconscious state BoBoiBoy has a hint of pain on his face. No wonder what he will feel when wakes up. I hope it's tolerable.

Fight BoBoiBoy. 🌹🌹🌹


This chapter is about BoBoiBoy explaining his condition. It is in third person's Pov but in BoBoiBoy's point of view.

A brunette was staring at the ceiling with not-so-much emotion in his eyes. His father was beside him rubbing his hands reassuringly. The boy lying on the bed don't even recognize him but a part of him felt comfortable in his presence knowing he was a person to trust. He don't know he was, where he is, why he is here and how much time has passed. He don't feel anything but pain. Yes, pain.

The only emotion he has felt since he has waked. Sometimes there is a sudden burst of pain in his head feeling like it would explode. He screamed all nights sometimes, or it was days, he don't know. But the person on his side was always present comforting him and trying to ease his pain. He always had a painful expression seeing him like that. And that person keep saying him to hold up and fight it and he can do it, like things. He don't know what he meant but want to trust him.

He often tried to remember who he was but it always end up with the same head pain. One time in his dream he say a pair of red eyes glaring at him. He woke up the instance with heavy head pain and same thing happened, his continuous screams all time. The people with with coats gave him tablets and shots everyday. IV drips were attached to him 24 hours 7 since he couldn't eat anything.

Sometimes he want to talk to the man who is always beside him but couldn't. Why? Cause he can't speak or talk. Well, the screams are a different case. His voice couldn't came out when he tied to speak or may be he don't have the energy to do so. Nevermind. The man always encourage him to eat but he didn't. May be he should try to do that. Well it's not his fault, it's just he don't feel like eating anything. Again, Nevermind.


The man spoke. That's what he call him. BoBoiBoy. Strange. It always seem familiar to him. Everytime he heard him say that name and he trying to think about it, again, all he feels is pain. The man patted his head. Odd. Why he always want to get up and hug him saying he is okay when he sees his painful expression at his condition?

Just why?

Who am I?

He don't know what happened to him and why he said that but he replied to the person in a weak voice for the first time.



Sorry if it was boring.


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