Chapter 29

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What was so difficult about asking life changing questions? Was it the response that would come? Or simply just the paranoia that the worst might happen? This was probably the most important question I would ever ask. It's life changing, it holds a list of numerous answers not just yes or no. I can't just ask him something like this. I can't do this too him.

"So are you asking him today?" My mom asked as she prepared ingredients to make lunch while I sat there finishing up the final piece of my lesson online. I simply nodded as I wrote down the final equation to solve and started working on it.

"I know this will be good for you Ray. You really need this. Even though I'll miss you immensely." She said while she turned on the stove to boil the water. My talking was getting better, though it was minimal, no one seemed to mind, they were just glad I was talking again.

"I'm scared." I whispered as I closed my laptop finishing my lesson.

"You should be."


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she laughed "I understand honey, it's not exactly a pleasant question. You're asking him to move across the country with you. Think of it this way, at least it's not across the world." She reasoned tapping her fingernails on the counter.

"I think I'll just skip out on asking and just go. I can't make him do something like that. Plus I have like one more week here so I can use that time to say goodbye." I said sadly. I didn't like the idea of leaving Kellin. I had to get my head out of the clouds though because he wasn't just some teddy bear that I could drag everywhere with me. Though his cuddles are to die for, he wasn't a teddy bear.

"Rayleigh just ask the boy, the worst that could happen is that he says no." She said with an exasperated tone and turned around to pour the noodles in the pot stirring it around.

"I don't want him to say no though." I said worriedly.

"How do you know what he's going to say when you didn't even ask him yet?" She said turning around with the wooden spoon in her hands and an eyebrow arched and her hand on her hip. She looked extra feisty and quite frankly, it was terrifying. I was speechless as she made a sound that just spoke 'I'm right and you're wrong, now ask'.

"Rayleigh if I turn around and I still see you sulking at this island counter I'm going best your ass with my wooden spoon." She threatened.

"But you need that spoon for noodles." I said feeling confident that I stumped her threat.

She turned around and narrowed her eyes at me and I just smiled and jumped off the stool walking away, making my way towards my room. I felt a sting against my butt as I squealed and held it warily and turned around.

"Get out of this house and ask that boy your question." She said pointing to the door with the wooden spoon of death. I groaned and walked towards the door and walking out and down the road to Kellin's house.

As I got closer to the house I noticed that his car wasn't in the driveway but decided to walk up and knock anyway. I knocked four times and waiting patiently while I heard footsteps coming towards the door and Kellin's mom opening it with a smile.

"Rayleigh dear! What a surprise! How are you?" She asked pulling me into the house and closing the door behind her as she advanced back towards the kitchen.

"I've been good Mrs. Quinn, how are you?" I said following her into the kitchen.

"Don't be silly honey, just call me Georgie." She said waving her hand off. "I've been good nonetheless, tired from working so much and coming home to take care of everyone." I smiled and nodded looking around the kitchen that seemed to have changed from the last time I've seen it, but I couldn't quite put a finger on what was different about it though.

How The Hell Did We End Up Like This {Kellin Quinn}Where stories live. Discover now