Their opinions on PDA

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Super comfortable. Will always have his arm around your waist or arm. If he sees some of his fan-girls, or someone flirting with you, he wil gladly give you the longest kiss in front of them. If your not comfortable with that he will settle for a kiss on the temple or cheek.

Pretty comfortable. He won't makeout with you in public, but he'll kiss you every now and again, but he will get a little embarrassed. He will always have an arm around your waist though. He needs to show people that your his.

Not very comfortable. At first it was no PDA at all. But as he became more comfortable with hand-holding, and small kisses on the cheek, but nothing big. But when your not in public he is taking havery chance he can to kiss you.

Neutral. Dosnt care really. He does like holding your hand a lot. Not much else to say. He will kiss you if you want him too or if he's feeling jealous, but he won't just kiss you out of nowhere.

Comfortable. He holds your hand and all that stuff but also gives you kisses just to see you get embarrassed in public. He will also just start talking to anybody who will listen about how much hope and love you make him feel.

Comfortable. Poor boy really wants to kiss you in public but is way too shy to do it and he gets embarrassed way to easily. But he will gladly hold your hand and kiss your nuckles in public. Plus if you kiss him in public his brain will completely short-circuit.

Not comfortable. Don't get me wrong he would love to kiss you in public. It's just that he needs to keep you safe and if a rival gang or group catches him being overly affectionate towards you they might use you as a way to get to him. But he will hold your hand or lock your arm with his and let you give him little pecs on the cheek.

Neutral. He likes it, but it fries his brain and embarrases the hell out of him so he won't kiss you very often. He really loves holding your hand and rubbing soft little circles on the back of it. His devas wil also cuddle up to you and give little kisses on your cheek for him.

Very comfortable. This guy will makeout with you in public. He has done it, once. Because a guy kept hitting on you and he was tired of it and couldn't hit him because you told him not to, so he just had a makeout session with you. Always has an arm around you at all times, and will glare at anybody who gives you looks.

Neutral. Dosnt care really, if you want him to hold your hand he will. If you want his to give you a kiss he'll be confused as to why in public, but he'll kiss you anyways. He's okay with anything and will happily give you any affection you want from him at any time.

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