With a partner who smokes

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My wonderful sister made the new cover art!

⚠️TW: Themes of cigarettes and weed⚠️

This isn't to talk badly of people who smoke, I do occasionally as well, and i don't see much of smokers getting anything in media that dosnt depict us as just being a smoker as a personality or makeing us out to seem gross and disgusting because we smoke sometimes.

He dosnt care too much, he dosnt exactly like it but it's not horrible for him to deal with. As long as your not smokeing like a pack a day he dosnt care, now if your smokeing some weed, he might join you occasionally, but he won't smoke much due to him being an athlete.

I think that mondo grew up in a home with a lot of smokers so hes very used to it, the smell of cigarettes is a comfort smell for him. He won't like it, but he won't make you stop. He knows that you can't just stop because someone tells you so. He will smoke weed with you if you smoke it, but he can't stand the taste of cigarettes.

Oh he despises it. He thinks it's a horrible habit to get into and he does not endorse it at all. He will try his hardest to help you break the habit and will give you a bunch of alternatives to smokeing. Although he is a little more lenient on weed as long as it's for purposes other then getting high. He will still give more alternatives though.

He really dosnt care, as long as its not like taking over your life to where you can't go a day without smokeing. If you want he's totally down to have a smoke session with you. He's cool with anything, cigarettes, blunts, bongs, edibles, he's down.

He'll go into a whole speech about how smokeing is in some way effecting hope and how the more you smoke the less hope you feel. After that he starts takeing away some of your cigarettes and hiding them. If you smoke weed he'll still give you the speech about hope and try and take away your weed so either way good luck.

Another dude who finds the smell of cigarettes comforting, it reminds him of his grandpa. He won't be super happy that your smokeing but he won't try and stop you unless it's a serious problem. He's tried smokeing but he just dosnt like it, everytime he tries to smoke he ends up coughing his lungs out.

He dosnt really approve of it, he's not gonna treat you different because of it, but he won't be super happy about it. He's never tired smokeing before and he dosnt want to. He has no interest in it. If you smoke weed he has no opinions on it and he still just sees you as you, just smokeing weed. He's just pretty chill about the whole thing.

He does not like it. He hates the smell, that's and look of cigarettes. He will try and get you to stop and their might be an argument over it but he will not stop trying to help you stop. He feels relatively the same about weed, just a little less harsh about it.

He will be very sad to see you smoke due to him growing up around a lot of people who smoke ( the south is a breeding ground for smokers) and he dosnt want you to have any health problems. He would hate to see you in bad health. He will have many concerns and conversations about those concerns with you about smokeing.

A mix of upset and concerned. He's very protective over you and to know that you are hurting your health. So there will be an argument over smokeing when he finds our and there will be some tension. He will see that he went wrong and goes to apologize to you and actualy have a conversation about it. He will also try and get you to stop smokeing by finding alternatives.

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