My opinions Pt 3

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I haven't done the third part and I'm so sorry about that!

Before I start I'm gonna go quickly on my opinions on each game as a whole bc I forgot to do that XD

DRTTH is a very solid base for the fandom a very well thought out game
DR2 seems much more based on the characters then the game play, wich I'm not mad at it had my favourite cast
DRV3 I truly think they just took an Adjective and put a character to it and kinda put game play over characters ( I'll get into that at the end of this chapter)

He's my favorite MC and I think he's got the most emotions of the MCs. He's definitely got the most depth of all the protagonists

She's my third favorite, she definitely has the most personality of the protagonists. She's not my type of person but she is written very well.

Honestly the dude is just there for me. A lot of the DRV3 characters are tbh, but him the most he's just so bland. Likes he's not horrible he's just e h

He's super interesting to me, I like that they made a relatively relatable characters for people with depression and made him likeable, and in the words of my friend "a funky little dude"

She is super cool I do wish they did a little bit more with her, but overall she's amazing

This guy. He's weird, idk how I feel abt him fully, don't get me wrong his past and shit is so messed up and he deserved better. But the dudes weird and just blegh

I really don't like her. Again men are annoying sometimes and deserve to be made fun of, everybody does, but damn she takes it to a whole new level

She's okay, gets on my nerves a lot, I just find her kinda annoying. She would have ben a great blackend

I have no complaints, she sits with Fuyuhiko as the perfect ones for me

He's super intriguing, like as soon as I saw him I wanted to know abt him idk I was just drawn to him but he's a cool dude. He does say some things I dont like but eh most people do, he just dosnt say them enough to annoy me

I hate this fucker. He's so annoying to me like I was so happy when I found out he died I just didn't enjoy him. His concept is cool and he was cool in the game, but he was made to be unlikable and fuck did the creators successfully do that

She annoys me, idk why but she just sounds so whiney and spoiled and and just annoying. Her whole idea is so cool but her as a whole is annoying

I love her, until she says some messed up shit, like I love sexual joked and all but when you get aroused after saying something then that's when it's too far. And sexualiseing other people, that's messed up

He's super sweet, there not a lot to say about him then he's absolutely precious but also sorta boring sometimes.

Tsimugui (idk how to spell it)
She's a very cool concept and I like her character a lot. I wish she was present more in the game before she was revealed as the mastermind, I feel like that would have ben cool

So abt the thing at the top, for each character I personally think they just took an adjective and rolled with it and took it to the extreme. ( altho a few could be blamed on parts of the fandom) For example Miu, they took sexual and turned it into her whole ass personality, Ryome was depressed and Angie religious. I just wish they had much more depth for each character in the game play. I think they got lazy with the characters at times.

Lastly this in no way is me hating the game, I love danganronpa and when I get into things, one of my favorite things to do is critique it and look into it deeper, this is just purely me talking about my observations and this is how I enjoy things XD So yes, if you absolutely love a character I don't, that's wonderful I'm glad you like them! I just swear I'm not shitting on the game at all!

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