voice/speech patterns hcs

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He was raised around his cousin who had a brooklyn accent and now whenever he's upset or being loud, he has a hint of a Brooklyn accent.

He sort of has a lisp but he hides it the best he can until he's really upset or it's just the two of you and he's really calm can you hear it.

For the longest time could not say his Rs. He's gotten better but every now and again he messes up and feels super embarrassed.

He dosnt really have a filter. Everything his brain comes up with is being said. It could be nice things or rude things, he can't help it it's just how he is.

He drags out his words sometimes and it almost seems like he's going to fall asleep halfway through talking. It really pisses off Hajime when he's talking to him.

He's definitely got a lisp with his sharp teeth. He dosnt really care untill someone brings it up, then he gets really insecure.

When he's upset he stutters a lot. It comes from when he was a kid he had a stutter and when he's not thinking about controlling it he starts to stutter.

His voice isn't naturally that deep, it's still deep, just not as deep as he makes people think. He fakes it sometimes but he slips up and blames it on his cursed arm.

The more he sticks around with someone the more and more he lets his southern accent slip. He's less insecure about it but he won't go talking normally in front of everybody.

He definitely says some old people sayings and has old people mannerisms. He also cannot walk through a crowd of people without saying "ope! Sorry!"

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