Them as horror movies

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The shining
He seemed like he had the least ammount of mental stability, like just before his execution he has a breakdown and completely looses his mind. I think he has the most fragile mind out of all these characters ( Kazuichi is a close seccond) and that fits the main character loosing his mind in a very stressful situation. Plus sayaka's death strongly resembles the scene where wendy is in the bathroom and jhonny chops the door down.

Rosemary's baby
I feel like Mondo already has had a lot of people doubt him and hate him for how he is and acts. I also feel like he grew up in a fairly hardcore Christian community for a while of time ( no hate on Christians or christianity only the type im using an example for rn!) So Mondo was called and seen as " the devils baby" by children and their parents. He never knew why they called him that and that fuled his anger and resentment twards people. I feel like he has some sort of weird connection to the baby in Rosemary's baby because of this.

Taka has had to deal with being perfect and "presentable" his entire life and that sort of lines up with carries way of growing up, the overbearing, abusive mother who strived for what she saw as perfection in her daughter. Both Taka and Carrie were isolated from other people and were seen as "outcasts" and freaks by their peers. That eventualy drove Carrie crazy (along with her mother) and Taka probably gained depression from this. They both have insane ammounts of pressure on them for their age and it slowly effects them.
He also cried at the movie because he saw the similarities between them.

He once had an experience with a poltergeist in his childhood similar to the one the child had in the movie. His Tv started freaking out and Hiro swears that he heard someone he didn't know talking to him through the Tv. Ever since Hiro has ben determined to prove that ghosts are real and that he isnt crazy. He watches a bunch of documentaries and reads books and stuff on the unnatural. Hiro has this odd sense of when he can tell if a spirit is with him or not. And because it scares him a bit, people dont believe him and think he's being dramatic. Like the child was in the beginning of the movie.

Final destination
His life has always been either up or down for as long as he can remember. When he first saw the movie he told you that he sometimes sees things similar to the girl. He explained it as, he gets this odd feeling of dread or DiSpAiR and he immediately knows that something is going to go wrong. Nobody knows why, Nagito thinks its another part of his Ulimate but again, nobody knows or believes him

He wished when he was younger, that he could go to another place where his home is better. Kazuichi's parents were like coraline's, not paying as much attention to him as they probably should have. He would constantly make other versions of his parents and would pretend that they were his parents. Kazuichi eventually grows out of it and stops being so dependent on them, but he still talks to them about things that have happend to him because he's still lonley but less so, now that he has you! But the other mother really freaks him out.

The conjuring ;the devil made me do it
He finds comfort in the reason of why Arnie killed someone because of possesion for some reason. He thinks its because he's scared of turning out like his parents, all the fights,agruments and the violence that surrounded him growing up. Fuyuhiko thinks it nice to blame it on some unknown thing that happens to specific people instead of thats just who he's going to become one day.

Pet cemetery
He loves his pets very dearly and would do anything to keep them alive as possible. If he didnt have morals he would result to using his "magic" to keeping them alive. Like a full on Frankenstein type of deal. He also really likes how they made the animals when their dead. (Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that they turn on the people. I'm not sure, its been a while since I've seen the movie)

Gonna be honest i have no idea, it seems fitting because of how small and tiny teruteru is and how destructive he could probably be if he were to actualy do anything t h a t level of bad. Also their both just really cute to me

Space. Also he thinks that the way that they accomplished the movie at an old time in color movies. Kaito also loves the way the way the alien moves, attacks and the way it doesn't die in the big explosion. He also really wants to be like ripley; Kaito thinks that she is super cool and she was the reason he really got into space. Kaito wanted to be just like her as a little kid and he thought she was the coolest person in the world.

God i made most of these guys really sad, also sorry abt the last 3 characters i lost a lot of motivation but i tried my best except teru, i had nothing for that man.

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