Chapter 2

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After waiting for 3 hours in a line, we finally got to meet the band. I smoothed out my top and checked to make sure there wasn't anything in my teeth. I opened my camera on my phone and started recording us walking up, I didn't want to forget this moment. I stopped the recording once it was our turn. We started to hug each member of the band. I almost started crying but I didn't cause that would be awkward. Right now I was hugging Rydel.

"It's been 4 years since the last time I got to see you guys in concert. My room mate got me the tickets today because today is my birthday," I tell her smiling like crazy.

"Well Happy Birthday..."Rydel says wanting to know my name.

"Oh, Mayleen or just May," I say. She whispers something to the boys and they all start singing.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear May, Happy Birthday to you," They sing in unison. I blush and then we start taking pictures. I hug Rocky and I secretly put my phone number in his pocket. Sounds creepy but this was part of an elaborate plan.

"Can I take a selfie with you?" I ask Rocky.

"Sure," Rocky says and smiles. I pull my phone out and the camera is still on. He wraps his arm around my waist and I snap the picture.

"Thank you so much, see you later," I say and Katie and I walk away to go into the venue. Before we leave the area, I feel someone tapping on my shoulder. It happens to be Rocky tapping on my shoulder. I turn around and he has my phone in his hand.

"You kind of dropped this," Rocky said and handed me my phone. I blushed because my case was one I made of Rocky.

"Thanks," I say and we continue our way to inside the venue.

Once we got inside I ran with Katie to the front right in front of Rocky. There was about 10 other people in the venue so far so we had time before we would be crowed.

And like I said, 1 hour later the place was crowed and I was pressed up against the fence that is a couple feet from the stage.

Finally the band came out on state for sound check and to answer questions. They get the questions from a paper that the Meet and Greet people can write questions on. I'm not sure what Katie wrote but I know that I wrote, "Can you guys share the craziest thing you have ever done?" And lucky for me, it way the first question they ask. I put on the paper it was from "The sexy, the beautiful, the talented birthday girl!" Maybe they'll know it's me.

"Alright so first question is from and I quote, 'the sexy, the beautiful, the talented birthday girl'," Ellington starts. Almost everyone laughs and Rocky spots me in the front and points to me.

"There she is, Hi May!" Rocky laughs and waves at me. I laugh and wave back.

"Anyway...May asks, "Can you guys share the craziest thing you have ever done?" Sure we can," Ellington continues, "Craziest thing I've done today would be reading what you put down for your name."

"Yeah that's crazy," Riker says, "Craziest thing I've ever done would have to be being on Dancing with the Stars. That was so cool and crazy at the same time."

"I'm still mad at you for that," Rydel said, joining the fun.

"They needed more guys," He says putting his hands up in defense.

"You are so lucky we have witnesses right now," Rydel replied and everyone laughed.

After that they went on to more questions when I saw Rocky put his hands in his pocket and he pulled out the paper that had my number on it.

"Uh, Whatcha got there Rocky?" Ross asks looking at him with the cutest smirk on his face. I may have been tweeting Ross about this for a while and he actually followed me so we talked back and fourth about this idea I had. Ross was actually the one who helped me create the plan. Ross knew I loved Rocky and Ross let me know that Rocky was having problems with Alexa, which made me happy.

"Well, I don't know. I just found it in my pocket. Let me open it," Rocky opens the paper and stares at it, "Someone put their phone number in my pocket. Should I call it?"

"Yeah you should," Ross answers him excitedly. I turned my ringer on and Ross continued to talk, "Here, everyone be quiet so we can here if anyone's phone goes off. Here." Ross puts his mic to Rocky's phone.

"Okay, I guess I'm calling this person, who didn't leave their name," Rocky dials the numbers, "I'll put it on speaker."

Everyone got quiet and all you could hear was the sound of Rocky's phone ringing. Then finally my phone started ringing, and my ring tone was Cali Girls, and everyone was looking for the sound. I turned my back to the stage and faced Katie. I got my phone out of my pocket and answered it.

"Hello," I say trying to make it so they don't notice it's me.

"Hi, this is Rocky. You might think I'm crazy but some how your number was in my pocket," Rocky says and somehow they don't notice that I have my phone pressed to my ear. Almost everyone behind me can see it's me by now. I knew Ross knew, like LOL.

"Oh that is interesting," I say, "Guess my birthday just keeps getting better by the minute, right?"

"Weird, a girl at the concert that it is tonight, May, it is her birthday, too," Rocky says. I turn around and everyone except Rocky noticed me and now knew it was me. Ross was holding in a silent laugh of how Rocky wasn't seeing me.

"Yeah, weird. Here is a weird question, instead of looking in the back of the crowd, have you ever thought of looking right in front of you?" I ask as he is looking in the crowd, he scans right in front of him till he spots me, "Oh look, you found me."

The crowd busted into many things. Laughter, curses, and all around cried of "Why can't I be her?"

"Oh look, there you are," Rocky says then hangs up. He gets off his stool and walks to me. He jumps off the stage and stands in front of me and he says something that I could only hear, "You are a very clever girl now aren't you."

Wow. That wasn't the response I thought I would get. I thought he would call security or ban me from the concerts or call me a weird, creepy stalker.

"How about you come on stage?" Rocky asks. I nod and he helps me over the fence and on stage with him. Ross then starts talking about how this all happened.

"So Rocky, this was all planned," Ross starts, "May tweeted me a couple months ago saying that if she could come to this show, which I'm glad she was able to, she would somehow want you to call her. So I saw this and I followed her so we could Private Message and then we talked about this whole thing. This is the first time we have met in real life since we started tweeting."

The crowd was silent and so was Rocky. Right now Ross, Rocky, and I were standing up near where Rocky usually plays. Rocky started clapping and bowing to me and Ross. He grabbed his mic and said, "All hail the brilliant plan masters!"

Everyone laughed then clapped. I was about to hope off the stage when Rocky whispered something in my ear, "Why don't you and your friend come back stage once we go back?" I nodded and smiled. I hopped off the stage and Rocky motioned for someone to come on stage from backstage. It was Ryland. He told Ryland something and Ryland said something back to him.

After about 5 more minutes of them answering questions and doing sound check they went backstage. After they went backstage Ryland was telling me and Katie to follow him. He was wearing a jacket so no one could see it was him and try to grab him and take all of his clothes and stuff.

Wow, I'm actually going to get to hang out with my favorite band...ON MY BIRTHDAY!

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