Chapter 40

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It wasn't until almost midnight that Rocky finally came back to the hotel room. When he came in he seemed a little shocked I was still up. 

"Hey Mayleen," Rocky said, as he saw that the light was on in the room. 

"Hey Rocky," I reply. I was sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for him. He slowly walked to where I could see him. 

"I didn't think that you would still be up," He says. There's no emotion in his voice, so it's hard to tell how he's reacting to me being up still. As he talked, he was playing with the bag that he had in his hands. 

"Yeah, well I didn't know that you would be out till midnight," I say, standing up from the bed. 

"It's midnight?" Rocky asked, kind of shocked, "Oh, I'm sorry babe. The boys and I kind of lost track of time, ya know. We went to a movie, then dinner, then we ended up just strolling the town when I saw this awesome shop and I bought a shirt."

"Sounds like you had a lot of fun," I mumble, moving past him, into the bathroom to brush my teeth. 

"Are you okay?" He asks. I turn around and just stare at him. 

"Yes. I'm just upset that I didn't get to spend that much time with you today," I say. I turn back to the bathroom and close the door. 

"I'm really sorry babe," He apologizes. 

"It's fine. Just go to bed, I'll be there in a minute," I mumble, getting my toothbrush ready. 

"Okay," He mumbles back. I hear him walk away and that's when I start brushing my teeth. 

I finish brushing my teeth and I leave the bathroom. Rocky is passed out. I honestly don't get how people can fall asleep so fast. 


I wake up to Rocky shaking me. 

"Babe," I hear him whisper. 

"What?" I mumble, flipping over to face him. 

"Happy New Years Eve," He says. 

"Happy New Years Eve," I say back. He kisses my cheek and smiles. 

"I'm going to let you go back to sleep, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm leaving for rehearsal," Rocky says. 

"What time is it?" I ask. 

"It's about 10. We're playing at 8 tonight," He informs me. 

"Okay," I mumble and close my eyes, "Can you set my alarm for noon before you leave?" 

"Sure," He replies. He kisses my cheek, sets my alarm, and leaves. After a few minutes, I finally fall back asleep. 


My alarm goes off at noon and I pull myself out of my bed. I brush my teeth and wash my face, trying to wake myself up more. I get dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans for now. 

I grab my phone and text Paris. 

Mayleen - Paris, come over to my room so we can talk about the plan. 

Paris - K. 

After a few seconds of waiting there is a knock on the door. I quickly get up and open it, reveling Paris. 

"Hey May," She says, wrapping her arms around me. 

"Hey Paris," I say, squeezing her back in a hug. We release each other and she walks in the room. I close the door and we make our way to the bed to sit down. 

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