Chapter 21

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"May, are you ready to celebrate your first single or what?" Katie asks as we pull up into an In-N-Out parking lot.

"Yeah I'm ready. Hopefully at this club we are going to, I get to have my first drink," I say. I turned 21 about 2 months ago and still haven't had my first alcoholic drink.

"That's right, you haven't drank yet. Well you can get drunk as fuck and I'll be the designated driver," She suggests. We get out of the car and walk into the restaurant.

"Deal," I chuckled and we walk up to the cashier.  We both order our food, get it, then consume it. We climb back into Katie's car and I decide to check my phone. I scroll through my Instagram notifications and look at all the comments I got on the pictures I posted today.

Under my new single picture a lot of people are saying congrats and that they are going to buy the song and can't wait for the album. I smile at all the nice, positive comments and switch over to the other picture I posted.

A lot of the insta-creeps are posting how sexy I look and that they want to fuck me and the other comments are saying that they wish me the best, they wish they were me, and that I'm #goals.

"Whatcha doing?" Katie asks.

"Just living my famous life," I smirk then be both laugh, "No I'm checking my Instagram."

"Cool, hey make sure you check your boyfriend's," she smirks at me. I actually didn't think about that. I search Rocky's Instagram name and look through some of the pictures. The concert ended probably about 10 minutes ago so he might have been on Instagram lately.

His profile pops up and I see a picture of what looks exactly my singles cover. I click on the photo and read the caption.

@rockyr5 Damn, a lot happens when your having fun. Congratulations @MayleenRaen I wish you the best. ;)

OMG a winky face, I wonder what the fans are saying. I scroll through the comments and everyone is basically saying something about the winky face and writing #Rockleen. I decide to comment something back.

@MayleenRaen Haha, thanks Rocky. ;)

I also put the winky faces can be for everyone to wonder about.

"What are you doing?" Katie giggles as we pull up in the parking lot of this club called, Night and Day

"Just messing with peoples minds. Is this the place?" I ask as I unbuckle my seat belt.

"Yep, I know a guy who works here and he got us into the VIP section," She smirks as she unbuckles her seat belt as well.

"Cool," I reply. I put my phone in my bra so I don't loose it and we both get out. I watch as she locks the car and shoves her car key in her bra so she doesn't loose them either.

Katie is wearing a midnight blue dress that goes mid thigh with a black leather jacket on top.

We waited in the line to get in until me made it to the front. We flashed our IDs and got in. Katie walked me over to the VIP section and a young man's eyes lit up at the site of her.

"Katie, so nice to see you again," He says and hugs Katie, she kisses his cheek and they pull away, "And isn't it the newly famous Mayleen Raen."

"Hi," I wave, and nod my head.

"I'm Xander, old friend of Katie's," Xander, says and shakes my hand.

"Well, Xander, nice to meet you, I'm Mayleen as you know," I giggle.

"So are you going to let us in or what?" Katie asks Xander.

"Oh, yeah duh," Xander says and lets us in the VIP section. The VIP section has it's own bar, a few couches, and a lot of famous people who I love.

"This is so cool, Katie," I say to her as we make our way to the bar.

"I know right," She says and back and we take a seat at the bar. I look to my left and see freaking Selena Gomez. I keep my cool and the bar tender comes over.

"What can I get for you ladies?" He asks checking both of us.

"Water for me, and a Bloody Mary for my friend here," Katie orders for us and he nods.

"Thanks, I don't know any drinks," I mumble at a volume she could still here me at. The music was so loud.

"No prob," She chuckles at my silliness. The bartender comes back with our drinks and sets them on the table before us.

"Hey aren't you Mayleen Raen?" The bartender asks.

"Yeah, that's me," I say and wrap my hand around my glass.

"No way, Mayleen Raen?" I here a female voice say. I look to left and Selena Gomez is looking at me.

"Yeah," I say, trying to keep my cool but my voice shakes.

"Hey, oh my gosh, it's so nice to meet you, I'm," She says but I cut her off.

"Selena Gomez, yeah I've heard about you," I say and we shake hands. Katie clears her throat behind me, "Oh, this is my best friend, Katie."

"Nice to meet you Katie," Selena says to Katie who is sitting behind me.

"You too," Katie responds.

"Can I get a picture with you?" Selena asks.

"Only if I can get one with you and Katie," I giggle and she nods. I pull my phone out of my bra while she gets her. She takes a selfie with just me and I take a selfie of Katie, Selena, and I.

"Thank you so much," She smiles at us, "It was so nice meeting you girls."

"You too," I smile back and pull Katie away from the bar with our drinks, "Holly crap, we just met Selena Gomez."

"I know right," Katie replies and we are both stuck with big smiles on our face.

I down my drink and feel a light buzz. The music starts taking over my body and start moving my body. I don't really know how to dance, so I just sway my body to the music. Katie does the same with me. I see a hot guy looking at us.

"That guy is looking at us," I whisper to Katie. We both have boyfriend's and I'm in the media so I can't get caught with some guy staring at me.

"Remember our promise from that first party we went to?" She asks me. That's right, when we went to our first party together we made a promise that if some guy would hit on us, we would act like lesbians.

"That's right," I whisper back and she nods. I watch as that guys finally walks over to us.

"Hello ladies, I'm Garret," he says, looking both of us both up and down.

"Sorry, we're not interested, ain't that right babe?" Katie asks, putting a hand around my waist to be in character.

"Right, yeah sorry," I smirk at the guy and he smirks back.

"I don't believe that, kiss," the Garret guy says. I look at Katie and she nods.

"You want us to kiss, sure," I say and lean my head over and plant a kiss on Katie's lips. She kisses back and I hear the guy say, "Whatever." We pull apart and I just look at her.

"That was weird," Katie says.

"Definitely," I say back.

A/N Hey Guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It took me a while to write this, I sort of got writers block and I've also have been really busy with school.

Wow, Katie and Mayleen kiss huh...any predictions?

Bye! - @BookDoOver17 aka Samantha

The FanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora