Chapter 23

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After tweeting the video I watch as the video gets a bunch of views and start going through the comments.

The comments were very understanding, I'm glad someone could understand.

I spend a while on Twitter when a bunch of fans and tweeting me a link. I click on the link and it's another article.

Guess She's Taken

Mayleen Raen, moments ago, uploaded a video on her personal YouTube channel. In the video she addresses our last article, "Is Mayleen Raen Lesbian?" In the video she states that she is not into females. " I'm not a lesbian, or bisexual, I'm straight. I'm in a happy relationship with a great guy right now."

Now I guess the real question is, who is her  "great guy"? Like our last article we mentioned a RUMOR of Mayleen being with R5's Rocky Lynch. There has been evidence of them being friends or even more than friends. As she says in an old TMZ interview, "Next question, are you in a sexual relationship with Rocky?" asks the interviewer. "," Mayleen says, "We are declaring as business partners right now, however things might change."

Things might change, huh? Let's hope they do, which I think they already have. In the video, she pauses before she says no. Also Rocky Lynch's mother, Stormie Lynch posted a picture of a young couple that happens to look like the two, young lovers.

What do you guys think? Is #Rockleen real?

Ugh, I can't believe these people. At least they understand now that I'm not a cheater, or lesbian. Not that being lesbian or bisexual is a bad thing, I'm just not it. And everyone is really cracking down on Rocky and I's relationship. Maybe we should A few more weeks then maybe, not now.

Hmm, what to do now. I have nothing else to do today. It's Saturday and I do not feel like going out again. I look around my room and leave it. I go into my living room and see my script on my coffee table. I haven't really looked at it much this week. I take a seat on my couch and grab my script.
Season 1, Episode 10, Dream On the Road.

Layla- Thank you and goodnight! (Walks backstage)

Blake- Another amazing night, Layla.

Layla- Thanks.

Amber- It truly was amazing. Three down, forty-seven to go.

Layla- Wow. Really?

Blake- Yep. This tour is definitely a first. Your first tour, with no one else, with 50 shows.



Amber- Layla, are you okay? You aren't looking too good.

Layla- I don't know. I love being on the road but, I really miss Mandy and Jacob.

Amber- Well, when does your sister get out of school?

Layla- What are you talking about Amber?

Amber- When does her summer begin?

Layla- Uh, June 5th or something.

Amber- Okay.

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