Chapter 34

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"Everyone get up," All of the younger kids yell. I hear Rocky groan and I giggle. I look over at the alarm clock and it says 7:09 AM. 

"I feel so bad for my parents when we did that," Rocky complains. He looks over at me and he smiles, "Merry Christmas babe."

"Merry Christmas," I smiled back. I sat up and leaned down to kiss him. He kissed back and I pulled away. Rocky sat up and put his hand on my tummy. 

"Merry Christmas Baby Lynch," He said. We got up from the bed and I put on a jumper and my slippers. Rocky just put on slippers because the ground was so cold. 

We made our way down the stairs to see all the kids separating the presents. Everyone made their way into the living room and started handing out presents. Rocky handed me a present and he sat down with a present that I think was from Rydel. 

I looked down at the present and it was from Mark and Stormie. I opened it and it was a beautiful necklace that was a small crescent moon with diamonds. I put it back in the box and set it aside. 

We opened a lot more presents then it got down to the last few presents to give out. I grabbed the ones that I got Rocky and gave them to him. He loved the shirts and the books then it got down to the baby book. He opened it and a big smile came across his face. 

"What's this?" Rocky asked, barely able to speak past his smile. 

"It's a baby book for us to write in as our little Lynch grows up," I answer. 

"Wow, this is amazing," He smiled and hugged me, "Now it is time for yours." 

 I was handed a small box. I opened it and it was a ring.

"W-what's this?" I stutter. 

"Well, it's a promise ring. To promise that we will love each other, no matter what, until we decide to get the real rings," He tells me. He shows me his left hand and there was an identical ring. Rocky gently took the box from me and took the ring out of the box, "To promise our love."

"To promise our love," I repeat and he put the ring on my left hand. I pulled him into a hug then kissed him. I pulled back from the quick peck because the kids were still hanging about.

"I love you Mayleen Raen," Rocky said. 

"I love you Rocky Lyn..." I trailed off as there was a stabbing pain in my lower stomach, "Fudge." 

I tried to censor myself as the kids were in the room. 

"Kids go upstairs and play," Stormie said, ushering the kids out. 

"Mayleen, what's wrong?" Rocky asked. 

"P-p-pain," I got out.

"Lay her down," Stormie said, as she rushed back in, "What kind of pain?" 

"St-stabbing. Lower stomach," I stuttered. I was starting to get a little light headed. 

"Mom, what the fuck is going on?" Rocky asked, nervously. 

"I'm not the least bit sure but we need to get her to a hospital now," Stormie said, "Someone get her a blanket or something and Rocky take her to the car." 

Rocky carefully picked me up bridal style and carried me outside into the cold and into one of the cars. I closed my eyes as I was getting more dizzy and light headed. I felt a blanket being draped over me and my head was in someone's lap. 

"Don't worry babe, I'm here," I heard Rocky's voice say softly.  As he kept talking I slowly started to fade into unconsciousness. 



My eyes slowly started to flutter open as I was blinded by a really bright light. My eyes started to adjust to the light and I noticed the white-walled room. I looked around the room and saw Rocky sitting in the corner of the room and it sounded like he was sobbing. 

I try to speak but nothing comes out. I hit the bed as hard as I can, trying to make noise. Still nothing. I grabbed the call button remote and hit it against the metal bed frame. It makes some noise and Rocky looks up at me. His eyes were bloodshot and tears were streaming down his face. 

I smiled at him and waved and he started sobbing again. I was starting to get really confused. I looked at my left hand and my ring wasn't there. Since his head was back in my hands I tried my hardest to speak. 

"Ring?" I squeak out. 

"What?" Rocky asks, looking at me. 

"Ring?" I squeak again, waving my left hand. 

"I have it," He says. He moves the chair from the corner and next to the bed. Rocky pulled the ring out of his pocket and put it back on my finger. 

"Wh-" I tried to squeak but failed. Rocky handed me his phone and I started typing in the notes. 

What happened? I typed and showed it to him. 

"Well, um," Rocky bit his lip and took a deep breath. Before he could speak a doctor walked in. 

"Ah, Ms. Raen, you're awake," The doctor said, "I'm Dr. Robinson." 

I showed him the note that I wrote in Rocky's notes. Dr. Robinson nodded and sighed. 

"Ms. Raen do you remember what happened? Or can you tell me what happened up until you passed out?" Dr. Robinson asked. I went to type but he said, "Try and speak. Exercise your vocal cords."

"Well, I," I stopped to cough and continued in a very squeaky voice, "We were opening presents, then out of no where there was a stabbing pain in my lower stomach. Then I started getting really light headed. I was put in the car then I passed out."

"Ah, yes," He said, "Well Mayleen, there is no easy way to say this but, you lost the baby."

"What?" I asked. Tears started to well up in my eyes. 

"Yes, I'm sorry for your loss," he replied, "Your body was just too fragile, too young, something went wrong, and I'm sorry, you lost the baby. However, you should be able to go home. Just make sure you get a lot of rest."

"Okay," I mumbled, "Did you know what gender it was?" 

"I'm sorry, no. It was too early," Dr. Robinson replied. I nodded and he left. I started sobbing once he left the room. 

"We lost our baby, our bundle of joy," I cried. It was my fault, I was too weak, "I want to go home." 

"I do too babe. I'll let the doctor know," Rocky said. He placed a kiss on my forehead and left the room. I buried my head in my hands and sobbed, almost to the point of dry heaving. I was too weak, too young, to carry a baby. 

Rocky and the doctor walked back in and I was slowly detached from the machines. The doctor left then I just had to change. Rocky helped me into some baggy sweats and an over sized sweater as I tried not to cry more because of the pain my body felt. 

I sat in a wheelchair and Rocky wheeled me to the car. He lifted me into the backseat and gave the chair back to the hospital. Rocky got behind the wheel and drove back to the house. I looked at the clock at it was 2 PM. 

There goes our first Christmas together. 

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