Chapter 4

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I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear. School time. Today isn't that bad, I have some acting classes in the morning than a free day. I quickly got dressed and did my hair and makeup. Katie was already gone so she must of gone on a morning jog.

I walked into my acting class and a bunch of people in it started coming up to me. After a while I finally asked why.

"Why is everyone asking me to sign stuff for them?" I ask the girl to my left who's name is Karina.

"Dude, your YouTube famous. That concert you sung at last night, you've got at least half a million views on each of the videos," She answers with a duh tone in her voice.

"Cool," I say. The rest of my day is the same as my first class and finally it's noon and all my classes are done. Just as I reach my dorm I get a text from Rocky. Wow, he actually texted me.

"Want to meet me for lunch?" Is what the text reads.

"Sure, pick a place," I reply. He texts back immediately

"In-N-Out on Hollywood Boulevard in about 10mins," He says.

"Okay, see you then," I reply and shut off my phone. I grab my small backpack that has my wallet and stuff, it's sort if like a purse. I make my way out of the dorm and to the parking lot. I hop in my car and make my way to the In-N-Out. I park and I get out of my car, I sit at one of the tables outside with my sunglasses waiting for Rocky. After a few minutes he walks up.

"Hey May," Rocky says. I look up and he is dressed in a blue button up, black shorts, and his famous green converse.

"Hey Rocky," I say standing up, I then give him a hug, "How's it going?"

"Good," he says returning the hug, we pull apart and walk inside the restaurant. We order our food and just as I'm about to pay for mine, Rocky orders his and pays for both of ours.

"I could have got it Rocky," I say standing there in awe.

"Well I'm just being a gentleman," He smirks in a sexy way and he takes my hand. After we get our drinks we sit down at a table.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of getting to meet you for lunch?" I ask using adult words.

"What, a guy just can't ask a girl to lunch?" Rocky asks. I look at him and he sighs, "I wanted to see you again, and our manager and the guy that runs Hollywood Records were both there at the concert, and they would like to meet with you."

"Really?" I ask. Before Rocky can answer the person calls our number. I get up before Rocky to get the food because he got to pay. Once I got back he picked up our conversation from where it left off.

"Yes really. They loved your songs and wanted to know if you wanted to record them professionally," He says sorting out the food.

"I would love to do that, my classes are actually going on hold next week so my professors can plan everything, if that's good. Otherwise I get out at noon," I say grabbing my food and tearing the paper off a little so I could get to my burger.

"Yeah, that should work. Tomorrow's Saturday, would you want to come in tomorrow?" Rocky asks. I think about it and nod, "Great, now let's eat."

"Yeah sure, but first, are Ross and Courtney still together?" I ask, remember about Ross and Katie last night.

"Don't know, but I don't think Ross would be that stupid right?" Rocky answers with another question.

"You think I know? I'm just going to watch out for my friend," I say and we start eating.

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