Chapter 22

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Ugh, my head kills. All I remember from last night was meeting Selena Gomez and kissing Katie because of that stupid guy.

I sit up and grab my phone. I got a text from Katie about an article written about me. I click on the link and see what's it about.

Is Mayleen Raen Lesbian?

Over night sensation, Mayleen Raen was spotted last night at a club in Downtown Hollywood. She posted an Instagram post earlier that night saying she was celebrating her new single, "Missing You."

At the club last night she was seen kissing another girl, we have a theory of the identity of who this is. We think it's  her best friend, Katie but we don't know for sure. It has also been rumored that Mayleen is dating Rocky Lynch from the band R5  but nothing has been made certain.

Is Mayleen Raen cheating on her boyfriend with a girl?


Oh my god. Are you serious? I decide to text Katie back.

Mayleen- Hey, I just got up. I'll handle this. Sorry.

Katie- It's okay, it's that ass of a guy's fault.

Mayleen- Okay, I'll fix this.

I leave my messages and find Rocky's contact. My finger lingers over the call button before I finally click it. I put the phone up to my ear and here it ring. It rings three times before he answers.

"Hello," Rocky says. I can't tell if he's pissed off, tired, or something else.

"Hey babe. So I don't know if you heard yet about that picture, but I can explain myself," I say.

"It's fine," He says but it's not, just not in my mind.

"No it's not. So basically what happened is when Katie and I first started going to parties, we made the promise that if any guy were to hit on us we would pretend to be a lesbian couple. So some guy came up, hit on us, and we told him we were together. He said he didn't believe us and told us to kiss. So we did and I guess some ass took a picture and posted it," I say in one breath.

"Wow, that's some story," Rocky says and I sigh, "Don't worry, it's fine babe. I trust you enough that you wouldn't go kissing some random girl at some club."

"Thank god," I sigh in relief.

"I'm glad I get to talk to you again, how's everything been. You have a single coming out for crying out loud," I here him laugh on the line.

"Yeah, it's been good. I've been busy with work and stuff," I say. I still have to keep the deal with Rydel.

"Yeah, work has kept me busy too," Rocky says. I giggle and I hear people enter the room with a whole lot of talking.

"Hey Rocky," I hear one of the guys say.

"Hey guys, I'm on the phone right now," Rocky answers. I could hear his annoyance.

"Is it Mayleen?" A female voice asks. Rydel.

"Yeah," he answers back. I hear some sort of struggle and then dead air.

"Hi Mayleen, it's Rydel," Rydel's voice floods my phone.

"Rydel, I was talking to my boyfriend," I say annoyed.

"Well now your not," She says with sass and I swear I can hear her smirk, "Listen, don't care about that stupid post, are we still following the deal?"

"Yes we are. It's been two weeks since I talked to him Rydel," I complain.

"No, you commented on his post," she fires back.

"That doesn't count," My annoyance turns into fury.

"Oh but it does. Sorry May. See you in a month," Rydel hangs up. I roll my eyes and just lock my phone.

Now I need to make something to explain myself to my fans. Twitter will be too difficult to post a long story in 140 characters over a long series of tweets. Hmm. Wait, don't I have a YouTube account.

I walk over to my desk and open my laptop. I quickly sign in and go to YouTube. I do have an account. I take a deep breath and click, Upload. I click on Webcam Capture and start recording.

"Hey everyone, uh, Mayleen here," I start out, "So I'm sure by now you have seen that picture of me kissing a girl. Yeah, it's amazing what happens in Hollywood. Anyway so yes, that's my friend Katie but no I'm not a lesbian, or bisexual, I'm straight. I'm in a happy relationship with a great guy right now. The reason I kissed my friend Katie is because of a deal we made a few years back. If you've ever been a girl and you are going to a club with your friends to hang out, you might not want guys to hit on you, so what do you do? You become a fake lesbian couple with one of your besties. That's what Katie and I did. Now some guy decided to waltz on up to us and try to hit on us. Now we both are in serious relationships and we don't want to be hit on by some random dude. So he came up to us, try to hit on us, and we said we were a couple, now here comes that kiss. So this guy says, 'Really, if your a couple then kiss.' So I look at Katie and she looks at me. We do it and that guy walks away. It was barely even a kiss, it was just two seconds, even less than that. Listen, I'm sorry that this freaked you out, I guess in Hollywood when your famous you no longer have privacy. I hope you understand. Oh and also a quick message to my boyfriend, I love you and you should never forget that. Bye!"

I finish the recording and click upload. I continue with making a title and a description and all that stuff. I make the video public and post it to my Twitter. Hopefully this whole situation will just go away.

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