Chapter 35

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When we pulled up to the house everyone came running out, to see if everything was okay. It wasn't. And it never will be.

"Mayleen, Mayleen," Everyone was calling. I was curled up in the backseat, just wanting to be alone.

Rocky got out of the car and shooed them away. He opened the door and pulled me into his arms. I put my arms around his neck and he carried me inside.

"Do you want to go upstairs?" He asked. I nodded and somehow he carried me all the way upstairs into our room. He lied me down on the bed and before he could lay down as well I shook my head.

"No, I want to be alone," I said. Rocky nodded and left. I slowly made my way off the bed, it hurt but I managed. I locked the bedroom door then went into the bathroom.

I took a long, hard look at myself, and I was disgusted. I am disgusting. I am ugly. I am weak.  How could I think that I could ever have a child? It was all too good to be true.

I have an amazing boyfriend. I have an amazing career and I would have had an amazing child, but I lost that. Now there's no stopping losing everything else I have that makes me happy.

I left the bathroom and went back to the door. I was going to leave to talk to everyone, but I just couldn't. I rested my back on the door and slowly slid down it, busting into tears.

I sat there and cried for hours and I had the worst headache ever. I pulled myself up from the door and walked into the bathroom again.

I took some pain meds then I took some sleeping pills because I knew if I didn't somehow get some sleep, I would feel even more horrible then I already do.

Once I was in bed I slowly started to drift off to sleep as the pills kicked in.

Rocky's POV

After Mayleen told me to leave her alone, I went downstairs to face everyone. All they knew was that she got really sick and passed out.

"Rocky seriously what happened, dude?" Ross asked as I came down the stairs. Everyone was sitting in the living room, waiting.

"Yeah, is Mayleen going to be okay? Is the baby okay?" Rydel asked. After she asked about the baby I almost broke down in tears again. I took and seat next to my mom and took a deep breath.

"Mayleen and I are not okay right now," I start. Everyone listens closely, not wanting to miss anything, "The doctor said her body was too...too f-fragile and w-w-weak."

I started breaking down. My mom pulled me into her side and hugged me.

"Oh, Honey," She sighed.

"We-we-we lost the b-baby," I just sobbed. I had no shame in front of my siblings. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to face in my life. I sobbed into my mother's shoulder as I felt more arms engulfing me. I looked up and everyone was group hugging me.

"Rocky, baby, why don't you go get some sleep. It's been a long day," Mom said. I nodded and wiped my nose on my sleeve and walked upstairs. I went to open our bedroom door but it was locked. I put my ear to the door and I heard Mayleen's soft snores. Luckily there was a spare bedroom, so I went into there.

The room was cold, as was the right side of the bed, where Mayleen sleeps. It feels weird not sleeping with her when we are in the same place.

I'm not the most religious, but I prayed. I prayed for everything to be okay. I prayed for Mayleen to be able to heal. I prayed for our hearts, as they were breaking.

A/N Hey Guys! I am so so so sorry for the late update. I have had some things going on, like theatre rehearsals. I hope to turn out some more chapters soon.

What do you guys think about what happened to Mayleen and Rocky? Pretty sad huh?

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Bye!! - @BookDoOver17 aka Samantha

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