Chapter 27

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"Babe, I'm so glad your here," Rocky tells me as we stand in each other's arms in the single spotlight on stage.

"I am too, I've missed you so much. You have no idea," I mumble into his chest, where my head lays.

As we stand on the stage in the single spotlight, music starts to fade in. "Glad You Came," by The Wanted starts to play.

The sun goes down, the stars come out
And all that counts is here and now
My universe will never be the same

"I'm glad you came," Rocky sings along with the song. We both giggle and both start to do the dance we did on our last date. After the song finishes, the band is clapping and Rocky and I are laughing at each other's silliness.

"I hate to cut this short," Mark starts, "But the band needs to rehearse. Sorry Mayleen."

"It's cool," I tell him. I turn to Rocky and smile, "I'll see you later, enjoy your work." I kiss his cheek and walk off with Mark to the greenroom.

"Good to see you again Mayleen," Mark says as we walk down the stairs, getting farther and farther away from the stage.

"As well as you Mark. I really missed all of you guys," I admit to him.

"I bet, Rocky hasn't stopped talking about you since we left," he chuckles. We make it to the greenroom and I plop down in one of the chairs, "Now to the serious part. Are you staying tagging along for the rest of this leg until September or rest of tour?"

"These next five days, yes," I say, "As for the rest of tour, I'm not sure. I might be releasing my album soon, and I have no clue if Dream is getting a season 2."

"Well, we will make room for you on the bus just in case you meet up with us for a part of a leg," Mark nods and leaves the room.

After the rehearsal It's about 3:00pm. The band has to get ready for the show tonight, which means I need to as well. They drive me back to my hotel to change.

Tonight I am wearing a really beautiful black and white spotted dress with red tights and my black boots. I wave curl my hair and dangle in between the line of natural and smokey makeup. I'm done by about 4 and just have to wait for the band to come pick me up.

Within the next half hour they come pick me up and we go back to the venue. Courtney is here, didn't see her earlier, but I'm not sure about Vanni.

"Hi Mayleen, heard you got into town," Courtney says to me. I actually really like her accent, it's amazing.

"I did. I finished filming about 2 weeks ago and decided to come see my baby," I tell her. We are standing in between the green room and the dressing rooms, she just came out of Ross' looking fabulous in a knee length, silver blue dress.

"How cute! Are you staying for the rest of tour?" She asks as she starts walking to the green room. I follow behind and she stops in the doorway and looks back at me.

"Not sure. I just know I'll tag along until we are back in LA. Then I'm not sure," I say, "I might release my album soon then I don't even know about my TV show."

"Yeah, it's hard to schedule around the band," She admits and we walk into the greenroom. Riker is sitting in here on his phone talking. Probably on Periscope.

"Oh hey, Mayleen and Courtney just got into here, come say hi!" Riker calls us over. We walk over and stand behind him.

"Hi," Courtney and I say at the same time. I look through the comments and see some are about Rocky and I.

"Mayleen, a lot of the fans want to know about you and Rocky," Riker says, I guess he also saw the comments.

"Yeah, well," I say but Rocky cuts me off.

"Babe," He yells. He walks into the room and out of frame Courtney waves him away.

"Haha, looks like Ellington is looking for Rydel," I laugh.

"Yeah," Riker trails off. I shake my head and leave the room. I see Rocky outside of the greenroom and smile at him.

"That was close," I laugh with relief.

"Babe, I don't want to hide us anymore," Rocky tells me, "I want the world to know I have a girlfriend."

"Okay," I say, "We can tell them tonight, at the show."

"Or the fans now on Periscope," he smirks and drag me back into the greenroom, "Hey Riker, flip the camera. I got something to say."

"Okay, I guess Rocky wants to say something to you guys," Riker says to the fans and figures out how to switch from the "selfie" camera to the outside camera. Rocky and I are still holding hands, "Go ahead."

"Hi guys, so this a Periscope exclusive until tonight's show," Rocky starts out, "So a lot of our have been asking if Mayleen and I are together or not."

"Yes, it's definitely been one of the things I get asked most," I add on.

"So, here is our official announcement," he says. He looks at me and I nod, "Mayleen and I are a couple."

"I swear I can hear all the fangirls screaming now," I joke. I giggle and kiss Rocky's cheek.

"That's all," Rocky says and pulls me out of the room. We don't say anything. He just smirks at me and pulls me into his dressing room. He closes and locks the door and pushes me against the wall. He stands there looking at my lips then eventually leans in, but only pecks my lips.

"Oh fuck that babe," I growl and pull him to me. I press our lips together and immediately it starts getting hot in the room. His lip slowly start to trace my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I deny and make him pull away, "Not here, not now. I love you, but save your energy for tonight."

"Fine, but you just wait," He smirks at me again and walks out of the room.

"Goddamn," I sigh.

The FanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora