Chapter 18

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It's Tuesday and I'm back at work. Right now we are about to start the table read of episode 1. Nothing too exciting happens except for the fact that my video online gets a lot of views and things like that.

After reading the script 2 times we all get our things to leave. Tomorrow we will do a dress rehearsal then Thursday we will shoot the show and Friday we come back to do a few extra shots if needed and get our scripts for Monday.

"Great work everyone! Tomorrow I want you here at 7am," Keith says over the group. Everyone mumbles and 'Ok' and we all leave. I drove to set my self this morning because I was planning on taking Rocky out for the day.

I get into my car and dial Rocky's number. After 2 rings he picks up.

"Hello?" Rocky mumbles.

"Hey Babe! Are you dressed?" I ask starting up my car.

"Yeah, why?" He questions back, curious.

"I am taking you out for the day. I'll be there in about 10 minutes," I say and start pulling out of the parking lot.

"Okay! Hey after work tomorrow do you think you could help us move our stuff?" He asks.

"Sure, why are you guys moving?" I question. Why would they need to move?

"Well the house we are at is a rental and since we are going on tour we don't really need a house anymore," Rocky explains to me.

"Oh, okay cool! I'll try and help tomorrow after work. I'm a few minutes away so be prepared for the rest of the day to spend with me," I say excitedly.

"Of course. See you in a few babe. Bye," Rocky says, hanging up.

"Bye," I reply and refocus all my attention to the road. I start to think of what Rocky and I could do today. We could go to the movies, or my place. That's about the only places we can go without some paparazzi getting photos of us together. I pull up to the house and text Rocky. He is out the door and in my car within a minute.

"Hey May," Rocky says, buckling himself into the seat beside me. He leans across the center console and we share a brief kiss.

"Hey Rocky, so are you ready for our day of fun?" I ask, putting the car in reverse and start backing out of the driveway.

"Absolutely, anytime I get to spend with you is time I'm ready for!" Rocky says smiling with the biggest smile I've seen since we became boyfriend and girlfriend.

"That's great," I smile back, "So how about we go to the park that's near my apartment and just walk around?"

"Sounds wonderful," he answers. I continue to drive the 10 minutes to my place and pull into my parking spot.

We get out of the car and I make sure to lock it up. Rocky intertwines his large hands with my medium sized ones.

"So how has the show been so far?" Rocky asks as we start walking to the park.

"It's been good! I love the cast already," I answer, "Just so you know, Ross' character and my character and dating."

"Really now?" He asks in a jealousy tone that he tried to conceal.

"Yeah. And just so you know, Ross accepted the job, got me an audition, I got the part, then found out about are characters," I tell Rocky to assure him, "He wasn't trying to get a piece of me early on."

I giggle at my choice of words and Rocky chuckles a little with me.

"That's good to know," Rocky says much calmer. We arrive at the park and it's thriving with little kids and teenage couples. It's a sight that reminds me of the cute little parks in my hometown. There weren't many but the ones that were there were beautiful.

I stop walking and take in the sight of beauty in front of me. People just being people. I look at Rocky and I take his hands.

"Let's forget about all who we are, and just be people," I say to him. He nods and smiles. I hug him in a tight hug.

After just hanging out at the park for a while and taking like 2 fan pictures we start walking down the streets of LA and find a part of the city where it's just music and art. We walk to see all the art and eventually end by a little group of people. Some are dancing and some are just watching the small band on the ground before them.

"May I have this dance?" Rocky asks me, he bends down and looks like a gentleman from a movie.

"You may!" I say and do a little curtesy. We sway together with the music and Rocky twirls me a couple times. 

After a while we leave what I'm calling 'the art street' and start walking back to my place. I hold onto and rest my head on his arm as we pass by the building we did before in light, now in dark. They all light up beautifully and make the dark night seem not so dark.

"Are you hungry?" Rocky asks me as we come upon a small little Italian restaurant.

"Yes I am!" I say and Rocky starts laughing. I guess I was really enthusiastic about wanting food. 

In the restaurant it's not at all a fancy place and there aren't many people here.

"Table for two?" The lady at the counter asks.

"That would be correct," Rocky says and we follow the lady to a table. The place seemed to remind me of my great grandmothers home. She was Italian and loved to cook. I felt so at home.

We order and eat and when the bill comes, Rocky forgot his wallet so I pay for the meal. I don't think a guy should have to pay for every single date so I was more than happy to pay. I was the one who asked him on the date with me anyway.

Rocky and I eventually make it back to my apartment and it's about 9:30pm. We spent about 6 hours just wandering the town, just being another couple in LA.

"Thanks for spending the day with me Rocky. I'm really going to miss you on tour," I say as we sit outside his house. I had to drive him home since I picked him up.

"I'm going to miss you so much too. I hope that no matter how far we are apart, that we can always stay together and not fall out," Rocky says running a hand over his head. He borrowed one of my hair ties so his hair was back.

"Of course. I love you," I tell him and unbuckle my seat belt so I could lean across the console like he did earlier.

"I love you too," he smiles and I lean in and our lips begin to move in perfect sync. I somehow accidentally hit the horn and we jump apart.

"Sorry," I say embarrassed. Rocky just laughs and shakes his head.

"Good night," He says and gets out of my car.

"Good night, love," I reply and he closes the door. I watch him go up to the front door and Rydel opens it. She waves to me and let's Rocky in.

I pull out of their driveway and drive back to my place.

Today was amazing. I just got to be a normal person in a normal relationship. No worrying about who saw us together or if anyone cared really. We got to be people and not celebrities. It was amazing.

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