Chapter 3

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Katie and I followed Ryland backstage which was actually pretty easy to find. I'll make a mental note of it next time I come to a concert here. We eventually got to the green room and the band was there screwing around. Rydel and Ellington were talking in a corner. Those two are still perfect for each other. I remember everyone went nuts a few months ago when then R5 Concert Event/Documentary was in theaters. I bought my ticket on March 20th and I was like the first one to show up to the theater, which sadly they did not come too.

"Hey guys," Ryland said getting the attention of everyone.

"Hi," Rocky said dropping Ross on the ground who was on his back and ran over to us.

"Hi," I said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. Rocky got a little too close to me, I could fall forward and take him with me. I was a little nervous getting this close to my favorite band and celebrity crush. I didn't want to get to close to Rocky because he's still dating Alexa, even though they fought. That lucky bitch.

"Cool," Ryland says interrupting the silence, "I'm going to make sure everything is ready." Ryland dismissed himself from the room.

"Anyway," Ross continued from Ryland leaving, "Welcome to our green room. Make your selves at home."

"Ross," Rydel said, "I think we should properly introduce ourselves before anyone makes themselves at home. Not everyone has been tweeting May here."

"Right," Ross said in realization. Then silence because no one was brave enough to start.

"I guess I'll be the one to break the ice," I said looking at everyone, trying to keep my fangirl under control, "My name is Mayleen Raen. Today is my birthday and I'm 21 years old as of today. I go to UCLA with Katie and I'm originally from Vallejo, CA. Now as part of the R5Family we know almost everything about you guys which is hella weird to say out loud so...Katie why don't you just jump straight into the frozen pool." Wow I must be really nervous with that much rambling.

"Well I'm Katie as you have heard, I'm also 21, as May said we go to UCLA and were roommates. I was originally from San Diego and yeah," Katie said. After that Ross finally started talking more.

"Well welcome, again, to the R5 green room were we hang out and do stuff before the show and eat food," He said, "You may have a seat anywhere, even the floor. I don't know why I am so proper right now, but whatever. Katie, why don't you come sit with me?"

Katie nodded and followed him to the couch, I could tell he likes her so much, she needs a boyfriend anyway. Wait, isn't he dating Courtney?

"So May," Riker starts, "What do you like to do for fun?"

"There's a lot of things I love to do for fun," I start, "At my college I'm in the School of Theatre, Film, and Television. I love to sing and write music. I'm actually trying to get on The Voice. It's been a dream of mine since I was 17. Let's see..what else. Oh! In my free time I play softball with the college team since a few girls know me they let me hang around. That's pretty much it."

"Wow," Rocky says, "You're cute, you can sing, you act, and you play sports. Man, I'm crushing on the most amazing girl ever!"

"Rocky," Rydel yelled at him from across the room.

"What it's true!" He yelled back. Wow I feel extremely awkward right now.

"Aren't you with Alexa still?" Riker asks, joining the conversation.

"Well," Rocky stalled, "We broke up about 3 weeks ago."


"Awe," Katie says, "I'm so sorry for you."

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