Chapter 47

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Since Ryland and I were the first ones up we decided to make breakfast for everyone. My headache had subsided and I felt more awake after the coffee. 

"Why are we making everyone breakfast?" Ryland asks, acting as if he didn't hear a word I said barely five minutes ago. 

"We are making breakfast for everyone as a thank you from me," I tell him, "You know, for the party. If it wasn't for this party I think I would still be sad and mopey, drinking my cares away. I wouldn't be as happy as I am now, especially since I'm with you now."

"Right, right," He says, letting the conversation end there. 

The kitchen fills with an awkward silence so I decide to liven up the mood with some music. I make Ryland watch the bacon cooking and I go and find my phone. Once I have it, I bring it back into the kitchen and open my Spotify. I have a feel different playlists to choose from, but I decided on the one with all Panic! at the Disco music. I don't mention it to a lot of people, but I'm a huge Panic! fan. I've been a fan since I was in my emo phase in high school. 

I play a song that I feel could really liven up the mood and wake us both up. 

"You got two black eyes from loving too hard," Brendon Urie sings through the speaker on my phone. 

"LA Devotee?" Ryland asks, turning to me. 

"Yep," I smile back, turning the volume level up to an appropriate level for us to enjoy but not to wake the others. 

"I didn't know you were a Panic! fan," He mentions, keeping his eyes on the bacon. I go up to him and wrap my arms around him from behind. 

"Yeah, I don't tell a lot of people. I didn't know you were a fan either," I mumble into his shoulder. 

"Well, same as you, I don't tell a lot of people," He says. I release him from my grasp and get plates to put the food on, as it's almost done, the bacon was the last thing we needed to cook. 

"You know Ryland, I think my favorite thing about you is that you don't tell a lot of people about you. The fans only know what you tell them and your family knows only so much more," I say as he places the bacon onto a separate plate with the rest of the bacon. 

"Yeah, it's just, I like having things to myself. I also like just being a normal person, I only have a year left to be a teen and I want to spend it doing stupid teen things. I'm just very introverted and shy," Ryland says after he speaks he pulls me into his arms. 

"Do you think you'll ever let anyone into that part of you, that you keep to yourself?" I ask, rest my head on his chest.

"I don't know, I mean I want to, but I just don't want to let people all the way in and then they reject me for who I truly am," He sighs. 

"I get it, Ryland, I really do. My background isn't the nicest and all that I have dealt, mentally and physically, isn't something that you just casually mention," I respond. I look up into his eyes and I can see that all this honesty is getting to him. I take my arms from around his torso to around his neck and bring him down to height to kiss him. It's a soft kiss, and it's very passionate. 

"Well, this is interesting," I hear a groggy morning voice say. I pull away and turn to see Ellington very groggy and just utterly exhausted. He didn't seem really surprised of what he just saw, but I think the sleepiness is taking over his emotions. 

"Morning Ellington," I say, trying to hopefully just distract him and give Ryland a mental notice to stay calm, "Breakfast is ready if you're hungry." 

"Oh, thanks," He says. Ryland and I move silently to sit at the table as Ellington makes himself a plate of food. He sits at the table and starts eating. Ryland and I make ourselves plates and join him. 

"Hey, you're not going to mention anything to the others right?" Ryland asks calmly. 

"I guess not," He shrugs, continuing eating. 

"Alright cool," I say. I look over to Ryland and we make eye contact, I can tell he's a little less stressed but he's kind of annoyed over the fact that someone had to walk in and ruin our little moment. 

As time goes on and we continue eating, everyone else files into the kitchen and grabs food and eats. Ellington doesn't mention anything and everyone seems so exhausted to even bother asking questions if they did see anything.

"Hey guys, I was thinking of inviting some people over tonight for some karaoke, not like the huge party last night, just chilling and staying sober," Rydel mentions, after everyone has fully awakened and had some coffee to get rid of the hangover. 

"Do it, I think it would be awesome," I encourage, "I haven't sung in a while and I think it will just be cool for us to let go and just pretend to be teens again. Maybe we can even have a little healthy competition?"

"Definitely!" Rydel exclaims with excitement, "Everyone agree?" 

Everyone either silently or quietly verbally agrees and we begin to move on with our day. I put Ryland and my plates in the sink and I walk out of the kitchen. He follows and we go back to his room. 

"I feel like Ellington is going to mention our relationship to them," Ryland says after he closes his bedroom door.

"Calm down, I'm confident he won't tell them. He may have been flat out exhausted, but he knows not to tell," I assure him. 

"Okay, okay, I guess I'm just overreacting just a little," He slightly laughs, moving towards me. He pulls me into a hug and plants a kiss on my forehead. 

"I'm back!" We hear a voice yell from the other side of the house. The sound of the front door slamming shut fills the house and we both know who it is. 

"Well shit," I mumble, pulling myself from Ryland's grasp. I quickly walk out of his room and into the area where everyone else is, surrounding Rocky. They are all shooting questions at him and the looks in their eyes could kill a man. I decide to end everything before it gets ugly by distracting everyone by asking Rydel a question very loudly. 

"Rydel, why don't you call up some friends and why don't we set up some stuff in the backyard?" I ask, pulling everyone's attention away from Rocky. 

"Okay, sure," She agrees. She leaves the room and everyone follows suit. 

"You're welcome," I hiss at Rocky before I leave as well. 

I guess I have to help set up for this damn mini party now. 

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