Chapter 38

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Tonight was the first of three Las Vegas shows. I'm really excited for the band because they get to play all New Year's Week, and they get to play in Vegas.

Rocky's been busy all day with rehearsing so I'm taking another lazy day. As I'm laying in bed, I open my laptop and go into my emails. I haven't checked them in the past while so I need to get back on that. There's about 5 unread emails, so I open them and I read through them.

One of the emails was from my record label. It was basically saying that they need me to start coming in again to start writing more songs. I sent them an email asking when they would want me to come in and all that jazz.

After doing some work, I started looking up some auditions I could go to, I want to start acting again. I couldn't really find any I liked. I also need to find myself a manager, to help keep me on track and keep me with projects. I started to look up talent agencies and ended up at the one Ross is signed too. I sent them an email, asking to maybe set up a meeting and hopefully get signed by them.

During all my working, I fell asleep for a few hours until my phone started ringing. I answered it and it was Ryland just reminding me to start getting ready for the show since we had to be at the venue by 5 and it was about 2:30pm now. I thanked him and I got out bed.

I turned on the shower and got in. I washed my body and hair then I shaved my legs. I got out and dried my hair. Tonight I was going to wear a fancy blue dress, since all the boys are trying to wear blue. The dress is actually very similar to the one Rydel wore on Rocky's 21st birthday however it only has quarter sleeves and has a cut in the back as well as the front, it's very sexy. I put the dress on the I do my makeup, I do a subtle smoky eye with blue, instead of black, with a dark red lipstick. I curl my hair into very structured curls then hair spray it like there's no tomorrow. I put on my black heels and I grab my purse, which has my phone, lipstick, powder, and my key card.

I meet everyone in Ryland's room and everyone looks sexy. Courtney looks hot, Vanni looks hot, and Ryland cleans up pretty well.

"Holy shit girls, you look so fucking hot," I say as I walk in the room.

"What about me?" Ryland asks, I turn to him and he's doing some stupid sexy pose.

"You look good to Ry, you clean up well," I tell him and he nods.

"Well let's get going then," He smiles and he leads us out of his room and we start walking to the elevators to go to the lobby.

"Hey Mayleen," Courtney says, "Didn't Rydel wear a dress like that when it was Rocky's birthday?"

"Yeah, it was like this, except it covered a bit more than this one does," I explain.

We make it to the lobby and we meet up with Mark and Stormie. We all make our way to the venue and we see that the boys are ready while Rydel is still putting on her makeup. Rydel looks away from the mirror and her eyes about pop out of her head.

"You girls look hot," She says.

"Why thank you," We says, and I flip my hair.

"You boys better keep an eye on your girls tonight for sure," Rydel tells the boys, then she goes back to doing her makeup.

"Damn right," Rocky says, he stands up and he puts his hands on my waist, "Whatever did I do to deserve such a beautiful girl like you?"

"Well there's a lot of things, babe," I flirt in a sexy voice. I say it low enough so the other couples who are talking can't hear us.

"You know, that dress would look a whole lot better on the floor," He whispers in my ear.

"Stop it," I say as I playful hit is chest, "You are too much, too much."

"I try," He says and he sits back down.

"Are you excited to play here tonight?" I ask him.

"Meh. It's just another show," Rocky answers.

"Just another show? Babe this is huge," I exclaim. I sit up and face him, "You guys are playing in Las Vegas, on New Year's Week. That's so incredible. I would kill for this opportunity."

"Very true Mayleen, but honestly, nothing beats you being here with me," He smiles. He intertwines his hand with mine and I smile. I feel my phone buzz so I use my other hand to check it. I got an email from the talent agency. I read through it and instantly I broke free into a happy dance.

"Yes, I got signed to an agency!" I cheered.

"Really?" Rocky asked, jumping up from the couch.

"Yeah. Oh my gosh, this is the best. When we go back to California, I'm going to go and meet with someone to get a manager. I'm so excited!" I told him. He gave me a big hug and kissed me.

"I'm so happy for you babe, but you're leaving the tour again?" He asked.

"Just for a couple days, a week at the most. I'll meet you back in San Jose before you guys leave California," I assure him.

"Are you sure?" Rocky asks again.

"Yes I'm sure. If not, I will call you as soon as I know. Okay?" I ask. 

"Okay," He smiles. He leans down and pecks my lips, "I love you, and I really happy for you." 

"I love you too," I smile back. 

A/N Hey Guys! So I am so frickin sorry I haven't updated in forever. I've been really busy with school and homework and scriptwriting. 

I also am starting softball practice again, so that takes more of my time. 

I hope to get more chapters out to you soon. 

BYE!!! - @BookDoOver17 aka Samantha

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