Chapter 39

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The concert last night was amazing. The band did amazing, as they usually do, and I think everyone was surprised.

It was also Ross's birthday last night, so after the concert we all went out for drinks however we made it so Ross couldn't have anything that night, just to torture him and rub it in his face that he has to wait one for year to drink legally. I'm pretty sure he got a drink or two, but no one really cared.

Last night in general was amazing, but tonight Phase 1 of my plan starts. At around 3, Paris should be flying in. I'm really excited to see her again, and I really want to surprise Ryland with a girl. Luckily there wasn't anyone staying in the room next to Rocky and I's, so we booked her a room next door.

Rocky and I are leaving soon to go get her from the airport, then I think him and I are going to go out for a little bit with the band and girlfriends; and Ryland of course.

"I'm really excited babe," I say to Rocky.

"I know, I'm kind of excited too. I think it would be nice if Ry finally had a girl," He replies. I nod.

"Totally, he's been so lonely since you and I got together," I sigh, "Hopefully Paris flying in will make him happy. I know he really likes her."

"How do you know?" Rocky asks as he ties his shoes.

"When we were on set, and he found out that she was guest staring, he immediately asked to know stuff about her and get her number," I answer, "She also wanted his number, so it's obvious they are a perfect match, I hope."

"They will be. It's kind of obvious," He reassures me, "Now come on, we should get going to the airport."

"Right, just let me grab my purse and we can go," I say. I quickly find my purse and my phone and we leave the hotel room. Once outside of the hotel, we grab a taxi and go to the airport. We pay the driver, get out, and go into the airport.

"What gate is she coming from?" Rocky asks me.

"Uh I think she said Gate 2. Let me check," I quickly scroll through our texts and I'm correct, "Yeah, Gate 2."

"Okay," Rocky replies. We walk for a little bit until we finally see Gate 2. It's about 2:20 now, so we have some time to wait.

"Hey, Rocky, what are we doing later?" I ask him.

"I was actually going to go out with the boys for a little bit. You know, spend some bro time," He answers in a very weird way.

"Oh," I reply.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Well, I just thought you and I were going to spend some time together today," I say, "You know, because you've been really busy with the band and I'm going to be busy with work soon. I thought since we had today off, we could spend it together."

"I'm sorry babe. We will spend time together, don't worry. It might not be soon, but when tours over, as much time I have free, will be dedicated to you," He assures me.

"Okay. I love you," I tell him.

"I love you too," He says, then gives me a short, sweet kiss.

After our kiss, I rest my head on his shoulder and we start our long wait.

After about an hour of waiting, I get a call from Paris.

"Hey Paris!" I say.

"Hey Mayleen. Where are you?" She asks.

"We are by Gate 2. Here, Rocky and I will stand up and maybe you'll see us," I say, "Or at least him."

"Okay," She says. We stand up and I can't see anything but Rocky can, " Ooh, I see him. I'm on my way."

Paris hung up the phone and that's when I start to see her, as people moved out of the way and as she got closer. She had her hair in a bun and she was towing behind a small suitcase and a backpack.

"Mayleen!" Paris called out as soon as she saw me.

"Paris!" I called back. I did that awkward run-walk to her, and I hugged her, "Hey, it's so nice to see you again."

"You too!" She replies, "I haven't seen you since we were on set. It's been what, 5 months?"

"Yeah. It's been too long," I said.

"I agree," She says. I look behind me and I see that Rocky finally made it to where we are, "Oh hey Rocky!"

"Hi Paris," Rocky replies.

"It's nice to finally meet you," She says awkwardly.

"Yeah, you too," He says back.

"Oh my gosh, you guys are acting like middle schoolers on their first date. Rocky, Paris, Paris, Rocky. He's my boyfriend, and she's my best-friend," I laugh, "You guys should know that."

"Right," Rocky mumbles, "Well, why don't we get going, yeah? Riker says he would only keep Ryland away until 4."

"Oh, of course. Let's go then," Paris replies and we all start walking.

We walk out of the airport and get into a cab. We make it to our hotel and it's 3:50. So we have 10 minutes to get Paris checked in and everything.

Paris quickly checks in and we rush up to our floor. She's in her room at exactly 4.

Rocky and I go into our room and I plop down on the bed.

"Wow, just in time," I huff.

"Yeah," He nods, "Well, I'm gonna go. Bye babe."

"Bye," I sigh. He gives me a small peck then he leaves. I'm not sure where they are going, but I guess I shouldn't stress about it. Rocky just wants to spend time with his brothers. I can't be mad about that. 

A/N Hey guys! I hope you like this new chapter. I'm deciding whether or not I should do Rocky's POV in the next chapter because something is coming up, but I don't want to spoil anything. 


The FanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora