Chapter 16

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I'm woken up to the sound of laughter, pots and pans clanging, and music. I look over and Rocky's gone. I pull myself out of the covers and walk to look over the balcony and Rocky is the source of music. He still is only in his boxers and is playing around with his acoustic guitar. I take a step back to go to the latter when he starts singing.

"Love, I know I need it
All this waiting is making me sick.
Baby, it's hard to admit it.
Honey, you're making me love sick." Rocky sang. I take a step back to the balcony and I saw him. He wrote something down in a piece of paper and set his guitar down. He looked up and I jumped back from the ledge.

"Morning babe," He said and I blushed. I got back to the ledge and looked down.

"Morning," I replied. I bit my lip because I was nervous because that he caught me listening. He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm getting the perfect view honey, really," he smirks. I look at myself and I don't really understand what he means, "I can see up the shirt."

"Oh," I jump back and blush, "What drawer do you keep your boxers?"

"1st drawer to the left," I hear him say. I walk to his dresser and open it up. I grab a pair of his plaid grey ones and slid them up my legs. I climb down the ladder and go to Rocky. I stand in front of his and put one hand on his face.

"I love you," I smile and lean down and kiss him softly. He kisses back and places his hands on my waist. I feel him smirk into the kiss and he pulls me closer. I catch his lip between my teeth and pull away slowly.

"I love you too," He says. I wink at him and turn to go and brush my teeth. Once I turn around Rocky slaps my ass.

"Hey!" I giggle and push his shoulder. I walk to his bathroom and brush my teeth. My hair is a mess so I just pull it back with a hair tie I left in his bathroom. I walk back into his room, close and lock the door. Rocky walks over to me and lifts my shirt lightly to place his hand on the skin of my hips.

"I think I like it better when these are off," Rocky smirks and he pushes down his boxers, that I'm wearing, and they fall to the floor. I bite my lip and look at him through my eye lashes.

"Do you now?" I smirk back. I pull him down to me and are lips are a centimeter apart. I whisper, "Meet me on the bed."

I walk away and climb up the ladder to his bed. I hear him open the door and close it again. His brothers and him probably do like they sock on the door thing.

I sit on the edge of the bed and I pull the shirt up to just be before my underwear starts showing.

Rocky climbs up the ladder and once his eyes pop up, I try to pull a sexy pose. I honestly am not a 'sexy' kind of person, but I read a lot of fan fictions in my teen years.

Rocky pushes me back on the bed and climbs on top of me. He kisses me passionately and I kiss back just as much. I slid one hand into his hair and pull his hair. He moans slightly and pulls me closer. His other hand slides down my body and slips under my shirt.

I bite his lip and pull it with my teeth. He groans at that and he moves to kiss my neck. I move my head slightly to give him room. I moan at the fierce movement his lips are making against my tender skin. Rocky pulls away from my neck and I sit up in the middle of the bed. I pull Rocky back to me and hold him close. He tugs slightly at the shirt I'm wearing and is showing more skin with each tug. I pull away and let Rocky take the shirt off of me. I smirk at the look on his face as he takes in my body. I shake my head and chuckle slightly.

"You like what you see?" I ask in a quiet voice.

"Love," Rocky says back in the same tone and he starts kissing my collar bone. He moves slowly down to my chest and kisses around them then starts sucking on one. I moan and let my head fall back at the daze of pleaser I just entered.

My hands scratch at his back, most likely leave scratch marks. He moves down and leaves a trail of kisses. He slips my panties down the legs and I kick them off. Rocky comes back up to my lips and kisses me while keeping a hand on my lower thighs. I slid my hands into the band of his boxers and try to push them off. His hands move from my things to his boxers to get them off. He grabs a condom from his nightstand and slips it on. He lines himself up with me and enters. It's painful at first as usual but then it's all pleasure. First time we had sex it was based off anger but this was all love. We both reached our highs and Rocky fell next to me on the bed. We kept as quiet as possible so no one should know, at least as long as they didn't come by and see the 'sock' on the door signal.

"We should probably go down stairs before anyone comes and bugs us," Rocky mumbles from beside me.

"Yeah," I mumble back. I get up and grab my undies, the shirt, my bra, and his boxers. I just put on my bra because I don't like walking around people and having my girls bouncing freely. I get dressed and I watch as Rocky pulls on his boxers and a pair of sweat pants. He grabs the condom packaging and just throws it back in the drawer we got it from.

Once downstairs no one seems to notice our arrival, or that Rocky has sex hair while mine is still up but horrible looking. We walk in the kitchen and Rydel and Ellington are there. Ellington is looking at us sort of funny and Rydel is cooking.

"Morning," Ellington says, acknowledging our arrival.

"Morning Ell," I reply and smile. He returns the smile back and stands from the table.

"Hey Rock, I got this idea I want to show you. Can you come to the garage with me?" Ellington asks. Rocky nods and follows him out. Rydel turns off the stove and sets the food out on two plates. She hands me one and we sit down at the table.

"So..." Rydel says in a higher pitched voice than usual.

"So..." I say back and I quietly chuckle.

"You guys did, didn't you?" She squeals.

"What?" I ask. She totally knows.

"The crazy hair, being the last ones up, your skin in glowing, you guys totally had morning sex," Rydel says and squeals.

"Fuck Rydel, why don't you say it louder, I don't think China can hear you," I says and we both laugh.

"So how was it?" She asks causally.

"Amazing," I answer, "Morning sex is so different from mid afternoon sex. It's better because your both so refreshed and awake."

"You guys did it before today," Rydel accuses me.

"No, no," I blush and just admit it, "Yeah. It was like a week ago. We were both pissed off at each other and really it just happened."

"Wow!" She squeals and shoves some food in her mouth, "And I know what you mean, morning sex is so much better than night sex."

"Rydel!" I almost yell, "You and Ell have been, haven't you?"

"Maybe," she drags out.

"Ha, you guys did," I accuse her, "It seemed suspicious you knew the signs of 'just had sex.' We definitely weren't playing fucking 'I just had sex' walking down here."

"Yeah, yeah whatever," She says and continues to eat. Rocky and Ell walk back into the kitchen Rocky looks at me with the 'that was stressful' eyes.

"Well," I say just making this morning even more awkward, "It's been and interesting morning hasn't it."

A/N DAMNNN. Ryland's new single is sooooo good!!! If you haven't heard it what are you doing with your life?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed.

Later- @BookDoOver17 aka Samantha

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