Summer of 1978

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During the heat of Summer, the air filled with the scent of nectarous flowers in full bloom, Rose sat alongside James in the garden at the Potter residence. Their hands were covered in soil and their hair was pinned back. They'd been planting a strawberry patch together.

"Do you think your mum will like it?" Rose asked, as she gently patted the topsoil around the myriad of strawberry seedlings they'd planted.

"I hope so. It'll at least get her out of the house again." James responded as he followed Rose's lead, mimicking the same motion on his side of the unused flower bed they'd turned into a new patch of strawberry plants.

"How are they doing by the way? Your mum and dad I mean, I know they'd fallen ill for a bit." She continued, lifting the metal watering can that was originally Mrs. Potter's.

"Still ill." James said, taking the watering pail from her to do his side.

"Oh, sorry to hear that." Rose said quietly. James' parents seemed to fall ill more and more frequently as of late.

"Where's Padfoot? Haven't seen him since I've been here." She asked, an attempt to lighten the air.

James sat the watering pail down beside him before answering.

"With Moony, actually. Should be back a few days before the wedding. House has been bloody quiet." He said, turning his engagement ring a few times while starring blankly at the dirt.

"Are you alright, James?" Rose asked, placing a hand atop of his to halt the fiddling.

"I'm nervous." He admitted.

"Me too."

"That's not very helpful. Us both being nervous." He said.

"Well, it's the truth." Rose said, removing her hand from his.

"I was helping Lily pack all her house is going to be bloody quiet as well." She continued, pulling gently at a strawberry leaf. When she released it the leaf bounced back to its previous position.

"I slipped in a new watercolour set and some brushes with a note while I was packing. Be sure she gets it?" She added.

"I'll make sure of it." He said, before pausing and continuing his statement in a scatterbrained fashion.

"She'll be here in....well she'll be moving her things here in less than a week, but of course we'll have the honeymoon. Padfoot will be moving out. Lils and I talked about a flat, but Mum and Dad are getting sick more often, and with Padfoot moving in with Moons I just can't leave them, and plus Lily loves Mum and Dad, and—" He paused to take a breath before continuing his almost incoherent rambling.

"Then there's an Order meeting. Not for a while, but eventually I'll go to one, and I'll tell them I want to help- or however you're meant to do something like that." He continued, taking yet another breath, more a gasp really.

"James." Rose said, placing a hand on his shoulder, looking directly at him as his chest heaved.

"Breath, love." Rose directed in a motherly tone.

"I am bloody breathing." James shot back, Rose shook her head at him.

"Breath." She instructed once more, using the same calm, patient voice.

And he did, he closed his eyes, and for once in his life James Potter paused and just...breathed.

"It's going to be beautiful, James. The wedding. Everything. The girls and I have made sure of that." Rose reassured, James sighed.

"I hope so."

In a clearing much like an enchanted forest, enclosed by a canopy of large oaks and wistful willows Lily Evans became Lily Potter.

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