Megazord Battle

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The Tyrannosaurus Zord, Sabertooth-Tiger Zord, Triceratops Zord, Pterodactyl Zord, and Mastodon Zord all teleported to their area, then they combined.

(A/N: Replace Jason, Zack, Billy, Trini, and Kimberly with Kirishima, Tokoyami, Iida, Sasha, and Ochako in the video below)

Izuku also used the Dragon Dagger to summon the Dragonzord, and James summoned the Tigerzord, which then converted to warrior mode.

The Zords clashed with the monstrous Overhaul, but he was too powerful.

"We need to combine even more!" said Iida.

Izuku then played another tune on the Dragon Dagger, and the Dragonzord combined with the Megazord.

(A/N: Stop the video at 0:23)


The Dragon Megazord then used it's weapon to launch Overhaul into a nearby body of water, knocking him unconscious and reverting him back to his normal form.

The Megazord picked Overhaul up, and set him down in front of them pros and cops, who then detained him.

The Rangers then got out of the Megazord, and the Zords teleported away.

"We did it, Rangers! We took down a monster with our Zords for the first time!" said James.

"Uh... guys?" said Tsu.

They turned around and saw Tsu, Ben, Kylie, and Mirio holding Nighteye, who was losing a lot of blood.

"We have to get Nighteye to a hospital! Now!" said Izuku.

After that, Overhaul and the rest of the Yakuza were taken to prison, and Nighteye, Mirio, and all the other injured pros were taken to the hospital.

Izuku and Mirio heard that Nighteye wasn't going to make it, so they went to his room to be there for him in his final moments. They stood at the side of his hospital bed.

"Master, you can't die yet!" Mirio cried.

"I'm afraid there's nothing that can be done. Keep smiling, Mirio. And be the best hero you can be" said Nighteye weakly.

He then turned his head to Izuku.

"Give me your hand, Izuku" said Nighteye as he reached his hand out for Izuku to take.

Izuku took Nighteye's hand, and Nighteye saw his future. Izuku would become the greatest pro hero and Power Ranger ever to exist, he would be a devoted husband and father, and would unite the world.

"The future is bright... the future is bright" said Nighteye.

And those were his last words.

Mirio broke down and started crying, and so did Izuku.

Then the day of Nighteye's funeral came. Izuku, Mirio, Nejire, Tamaki, Ochako, Eri, Kirishima, Tsu, Iida, Tokoyami, James, Sasha, and many pro heroes showed up to the service.

At then end, Izuku, Ochako, and Eri walked home together. When they got back to the dorms, they saw Tommy and Kimberly there waiting for them.

"What are you guys doing here?" asked Izuku.

"I know this probably isn't the best time, but there's something you should know, Izuku" said Kimberly.

"What is it?" asked Izuku.

"We've located Izumi" said Tommy.

I know some of you are gonna be upset that the Megazord battle wasn't that long, but I needed to get it out of the way. Next chapter's gonna be crazy.

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