Paparazzi (Request)

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I squeezed his hand a little tighter, seeing all of them with cameras up ahead.

"We should turn around," I whispered towards him, and he smiled.

"We'll be okay," he reassured me, leaning over and kissing my forehead. I took quick breaths anyway.

We tried to walk the furthest away from them on the sidewalk as we could, but when they called out to Niall I knew we'd failed.

"This is your girlfriend?" one of them spoke, and they all turned to look at us. Niall stopped and I felt my heart pounding in my throat.

"Yeah, she's my girlfriend," he spoke proudly, and I tried not to look too worried.

"She's not very pretty," one of them scoffed, and I flinched. I felt the heat radiating from Niall, knowing he could have exploded on them if he wanted to.

"And you're not very nice," he spoke calmly, starting to walk away and pulling me behind him. I felt another hand grab mine, one of them pulling me back. Niall's hand released from mine, confused.

They started taking pictures, asking me loads of questions and making me feel like I was in the thunderstorm, their flashes the lightning and their yelled questions the thunder.

It was alarming, and they I started hearing what they were saying.

"How did you and Niall meet? Did you hook up? How long have you been dating? Is this planned by management?" I didn't dare answer, trying to reach Niall again. But they got worse. "Are you trying to dress like a slut? Do you think you look pretty in those clothes? Don't you realize you're fat? What are you trying to say? Where did you buy them?" I felt like I was in high school again, but it was still terrifying.

Niall pushed through all of them, getting shoved away and pushed down but still getting there. He, with more struggle that it took to get in there, got me out, pushing me behind him.

"You're all terrible!" he exclaimed as I tried not to hyperventilate. "Do you think she's a toy to be thrown about? She's a human being with feelings, just like you. It's disgusting that you would get paid for any of this," Niall spat. I grabbed his hand, feeling his pulse speeding like it was supposed to do that.

"She's beautiful, and if you can't see that, you need to get your eyes checked," he spoke, and as I began to calm down, I realized he was being pretty cheesy. It was extremely cute, though.

"She's the only girl I'll ever want in my life, so you'd better get used to it," he spoke, turning to me and ignoring them.

"Are you okay?" he spoke softly. I nodded, not feeling any hurt on my body.

"You've already healed anything that needed healing," I nodded, smiling widely at him. I always seemed to be able to believe I was beautiful when Niall said it.

"I'll never let that happen to you again," he told me, kissing me gently afterwards.

And before we walked away, we turned and stuck our tongues out at them, laughing the whole way home.



thanks to onedirectionfan145 for requesting this! I hope you liked it and sorry for the wait!



Mel xxxxxx

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