Chapter Two: Unapologetically Regal

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Queen Renée's POV
"You asked to see me?" I hesitated at the door.

I was debating whether to show up or not. Cassidy's lips formed a thin line in an attempt to smile. "Yes. Come in and close the door."

I did as she asked. I took a seat in front of her.

"Renée, I'll call you Renée. We are on the base and I am not obligated to refer to you by your title. We got off on the wrong foot way before we met."

"What do you mean?"

I fell for SC the moment I heard his voice. Before that I had only seen him in pictures and videos but never in person. When he spoke to me over the radio, I was immediately taken."

"I dint want to hear about your crush."

"I think we should talk about it so that it's clear what it is and what it's not. My feelings for him were inappropriate from the word go. I tried to keep them in check but it's hard not to feel comfortable and trusting around him. He has a way with people that lures them in. I was hooked from the get go and on that night we were supposed to raid the palace, I suffered a moment of weakness. The next few minutes were uncertain.  I made sure I was on his team because I did premeditate what followed. I won't sit here and lie to you that I didn't fantasize kissing him from the moment I saw him. When an opportunity presented itself, when he was distracted in thought, I made my move. This is the part I want to make clear Renée. He did not respond. I did the kissing, he pushed me away. He reprimanded me for it. He didn't do anything wrong. I'm fully on the wrong and I owe you an apology for my behavior."

I can't help but admit that I'm surprised by this apology.

"I'm not sure what you want me to say Cassidy."

"If you accept my apology and we out this behind us, it will mean the world to me. He was reasonable enough to let what happened affect my career. He didn't punish me by sending me far away. I have nothing but respect for him. I would like to be in your good books too. If not, then know that I am sorry about my behavior."

She has such balls to kiss a king like that! But I do understand. Reli is good at drawing people in. H just has to pay a little attention and people are hooked. I never want him to pay full attention to any other woman like the way he does for me.

"I accept your apology."

"Thank you. Regarding the punishment, the court proceedings, it won't happen. I have taken full responsibility for the actions that occured that day and I have explained that it was a personal matter that I instigated. You're clear."

My face lit up.

Reli told me getting court marshalled is not pretty not are the punishments. He has been through such during his service especially in Ebrium where he constantly locked horns with Xanth. He says the two of them did so many punishments it had become almost automatic that they could assign themselves punishment.

"Thank you."

"On to the next matter, you're graduating from basic training.  Have you decided whether you'd like to extend to your service?"

"What do you mean?"

"Here in CN, after compulsory military service, you can choose to graduate and leave it there or enlist. At this point, it doesn't matter where you trained. Whether it's the navy, army or air force, it doesn't matter. If you choose to continue you can choose one branch and stick to it. Your options are navy, army, air force, marines corps or SEALs. It's difficult to be a SEAL. Like crazy difficult. The former king was a SEAL. It's my understanding that the king served the army and later the air force. Would you be interested in the navy?"

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