Chapter Twenty Nine: Behind You 100%

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Queen Renee's POV
I plastered myself against the door like literally... arms spread across the span of the door. It's ridiculous because if two things. One, the door is 10 ft tall. I'm a fraction of it. Two, Reli can probably get me out of the way if he's especially determined. Still I hope he takes me seriously even if I look ridiculous.

"What are we doing?" He asked me.

He just out our son down for a nap. He wants to meet his generals to show them something he calls his vision and I don't want to surprised with them. I want to know before them.

"You have been so so so weird! What is going on?"

He frowned at me. "It's weird that..."

"You're... Argh! What are you showing people? No. Where did you go like when you left with Stephen? Where did you go?"

"Come." He sat down on a bench beside the open glass doors leading out to our private floating garden. I call it that because it is on the third floor and it feels like it's floating. He patted his lap. "Seriously, come."

I left the door but went back to lock it taking the key and fixing it in my bra. He laughed pretty hard until I settled on his lap. "Careful. Don't show Rehan he will think it's a hiding place." He wrapped his arm around my waist. His smile. It's disarming.

"Stop smiling at me! Why are you do happy?"

"It must be the weight of crown lifted off me." He answered with a delicate frown. "Also because for the first time in a while I see light at the end of the tunnel."

"What do you mean? You've always been an optimist. You give hope in every other speech."

"It's routine for me to do that. Just because I give it doesn't mean I believe it. It's more of making others feel safe and hopeful even when the future is bleak."

"You sell it well."

"I know. When I was in quarantine, I wasn't sure if I'll ever see you again. I was certain that it was the end for me. I knew that I wasn't coming back." He licked his lips. "So when I did wake up and the doctors said I'm going to live, I was happy. I was genuinely happy and for the first time in a long time, I was hopeful. That's why I'm happy. I'm happy to be home with you and Rehan."

"That's wonderful. I'm happy that you're home too. The finality of death scares me. I'm not afraid to die but I'm afraid to lose you. I'm afraid of the weight of the crown being mine forever. I'm afraid of losing control of this kingdom and ruining it for Rehan. I'm afraid of losing control of the prince. Reli he pulls my hair. He doesn't pull yours but mine is like rope for him. I can't even wear earrings because he will rip my ears open. He's peeping in my blouse whenever he wants and now he knows what to call these!" I moved my chest for him.

He started laughing. This is the part he gives solutions.

"You're funny. First of all, death is inevitable. At some point we will die. Make peace with it."

"It doesn't make it any easier!" I protested.

"But it keeps you from living in denial Renée. Make peace with it. It's not what I'm wishing for but when it happens, I want you to know that I trust you to take care of things and that I trust you to raise Rehan right. About in the peeping in your blouse, that's your fault."


"Yes. I told you to stop breast feeding him. Rehan is the product of the two of us. He's smart. He gets things quickly even more than you think. He doesn't breast feed because he's hungry. That kid wats food off a plate on his own. I have seen it. He breast feeds because it's fun. He just likes to and he gets to stare at the most beautiful woman in CN."

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