Chapter Five: The Queueing Queen

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Dana's POV
Renée in a dress is about as rare as sunshine in the Chrystal Isles. If it's not an event, she never wears a dress. For starters, she doesn't like the complexities of a dress. Renée likes to sit carelessly, legs thrown all over the place. It's not a big deal for her to sit carelessly in a dress. It's how it makes other people feel that bugs her.

Of all the dresses that Diana Crose could make her wear, she chose the kind Renée hates the most. Floral, round skirt,  just above her knees. She hates those. She hates sleeves on dresses and she is stuck with a puffy pair. In my opinion, she looks beautiful, classy and fancy too. Coupled with the feather fascinator hat, she looks like something out of a magazine. There's only one problem. She's not smiling.

I smiled at her and pointed at my smile but she rolled her eyes and looked away. We are about to reach the building hosting the art gallery and the queen is pissed.

"Ankle tucked Renée, not knee crossed." Diana corrected her and swatted her with the fun in her hand. I watched Renée's eyes darkening towards the woman who is not backing down either. She tucked her ankle under and folded her hands on her lap. "Perfect. Now smile."


"Because you want to exude happiness."

"Any one who is happy all the time is psychotic." Renée responded.

Barlowe burst out laughing but Diana isn't at all amused.

"Would you prefer every eye that will be watching you to make a conclusion about why you're not smiling or to talk about the beautiful smiling queen? I quite like the latter, what do you think Harris?"

"Please smile your majesty."

She reached into the little purse and got her phone out.

"It's rude to turn to your phone in the middle of a conversation." Diana told her.

"Do you want me to smile?" Renée asked and placed the phone to her ear. As soon as someone spoke she smiled. I know who that someone is. He makes her smile.

Diana's eyes settled on me. I looked away when it got uncomfortable. She has been staring at me a little too much for what can qualify to be normal. I allowed my mind to drift away. I had a good three months but as much as it was fun, I can't help but feel I was missing something. Bowie is not romantic. After being exposed to what romance is by watching Reli, I just couldn't see it in Bowie. There were no candle lit dinners. He didn't take me dancing. The sex is great but there's no foreplay. It bam-wham-thank-you-ma'am and when he climaxes, he's done. Whether I was somewhere in the horizon doesn't matter. I still tried to see the positive side of things. That is me enjoying what we had but that's it. It missed a romantic aspect.

The car came to a stop in front of the building. I can see reporters. Renée does not like reporters. "Isn't there a back entrance?" She asked.


"What if I fall flat on my face? What if I smile like a Cheshire cat and it looks bad? What if my dress rips? What if I say something wrong? What if-"

"Slow down." Diana placed her hand on Renée's knee. "Breathe. Dana will be right beside you. You will behave like she's the only one there. Don't smile too much, don't laugh out loud. Don't whisper and don't talk too loud. Walk with precision. Don't run and especially don't hurry. You're the queen. The moment you set your foot outside this vehicle, the world revolved around you. They will jump out of the way, they will halt everything until you're ready. Okay?"

"Okay." She blinked repeatedly. "What if they don't like me?"

"At the risk of ruining everything I have taught you in the last few days, be yourself but remember you represent the king so do it well."

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