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I knew he was going to take out the rest of his anger on me soon.

But he didn't. Instead, a few hours after his meltdown, he cried on my shoulder and hugged me while apologizing constantly.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Drea, please forgive me."

My hands lay on the side of the bed as I stared at the destruction in front of me with a straight face. Broken walls, shattered glass, and the only sound in the room were his pleas and cries.

One minute he was about to force himself on me, the next he was about to hit me, then he started breaking stuff, then he started crying and begging for my forgiveness?

What the hell went wrong with my Ant? I have to figure out what drove him so mad before I escape.

And before I go mad as well.

After Antonio's little tantrum, he led us back to our bedroom

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After Antonio's little tantrum, he led us back to our bedroom.

The whole night he cradled me like some sort of baby and held me so tightly as if he thought I would evaporate into the air.

Now as sorrowful as his breakdown was, I have got more important things to worry about.

Including how the hell I'm going to leave this crazed man.

I remember that the next item on my list had some correlation to being depressed.

I honestly put that on the list to stall. That's why I've decided to simply skip it. It seemed important at the time but I don't have time to waste. However, I will be showing more of my emotions on my final days with Antonio.

I don't quite understand why I wrote "Fake Depression" when in reality I truly am suffering some unhealthy mental illnesses at the hands of my husband.

Brushing off my blatant anxiety and depression was something I was extremely good at. I would literally be on the ground having an anxiety attack because I lost my wedding ring and an hour later I would tell myself it was nothing too serious. I would spend hours in bed under the covers crying and later on, I told myself that I was just upset.

I always tended to hide my extreme distaste for my and Antonio's relationship. I would spend countless hours practicing the perfect smile in the mirror to convince Antonio that I was happy. Every time we would go out in public, I would make sure to appear contented and at peace.

I know that I am in public and have the chance to escape him, but Antonio would locate me in seconds. Plus, escaping Antionio was impossible since he held my hand in a threatening grip basically implying "Don't try anything" while countless guards were stationed all around us like a ginormous barrier.

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