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It's been a month since the coke incident. Things haven't been good between us. Every day I feel like I'm walking on eggshells to avoid conflict with her; Adam has been keeping me sane. He's always there for me. He listens and truly cares. We've really gotten close despite us only knowing each other for a couple months, I've cried to him about the situation. After Ileana's camera broke that night, she hasn't been able to work; she doesn't have the money for a new camera right now.

She's had to turn down clients. I've had to chip in more to cover bills. She doesn't seem to be concerned with getting back on track, up until last week, she'd been going out and constantly partying with Ian. For the past few days she's been actually trying to reconcile and hasn't hung out with Ian, but I just don't have the energy for any of her drama right now. Every day when I get home from work, I go to my room and stay in there for a majority of the remainder of the day.

Adam started filming the new project a few weeks ago, but he can't tell me anything about it. Things have been weird with him; he's canceled video chats because supposedly things would come up and he'd no longer be available, and he's also been pretty distant. I feel like this is it. All good things must come to an end. He's probably found a new woman to woo and is moving on from me.

It's 6PM right now and we're supposed to video chat soon, I hope he doesn't cancel again. I didn't even do my makeup this time because it was a waste the last few times. I wait and wait and then the call comes in. I smile and connect.

"Hey, beautiful," he says, also smiling.


"How are you?" he asks.

"I'm great now. How was your day?"

"Boring. Had a day off but didn't do anything."


"Has Illy talked to you?" he asks.

"She's tried, but I just don't want to deal with it right now."

"She's going through something right now, Hailey. Just try to be patient and help if you can," he tells me.

"How do you know she's going through something? Maybe Ian has just changed her."

"People don't just start snorting coke. Something has to be going on."

"I guess."

"What food did you bring to our virtual dinner?" he asks.

"Just a poptart," I groan.

"Why just that?"

"Honestly, I thought you were going to cancel again. I didn't want to put in the extra effort if it was going to be for nothing."

I look down, realizing that I sound whiny and clingy.

"I'm sorry, I sound pathetic."

"I'm sorry for being so flaky, Hails. Busy schedule, y'know?"

"I know. It's okay, I shouldn't even expect anything of you, you're my friend, it's not like you're committed to me or anything."

He changes the subject back to food.

"I just have a bowl of cereal, I guess I can't judge you too much," he says, laughing.

I fake a smile.

"Classic you."

We start eating, then I catch him just staring at me.


"Nothing. Just admiring."

"I don't even have makeup on."

"Doesn't matter."

I look back at the screen and give a genuine smile. Now I realize that his background is different. He's not in his apartment.

"Hey, where are you?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"Your surroundings look different than other times that we video chatted."

"Oh, we're on a break from filming, so I'm out of town. I'm in a hotel."


After the call ends, I relax for about an hour, then off to bed.

It's noon. Ileana comes rushing into my room.

"We need tampons and milk," she announces.

"Can it wait until tomorrow? It's my day off, I want to relax-and why can't you do it?"



"Yes. and no, it cannot wait. I'm thirsty."

"You don't even like milk-"

"Can you please just go get the milk?!"


As I walk past her, I notice her lip is busted, but it's healing; it's not fresh.

"How'd that happen?"

"I bit it when I was eating. Milk?" she responded briskly.

"Okay! I'll get your fucking milk, you freak."

"And don't forget the tampons!" she calls as I'm on my way to the front door.

I'm picking out the milk when I get a call. I pull out my phone and see it's Illy calling. I groan.

"What now?"

I answer.


"Hurry home! Now!"

"Why? What's up?" I question.

"There's some dude trying to get in the house. I'm trying to fend him off, I don't know how long I can hold him."

I start sprinting towards the checkout.

"I'm coming as fast as I can; call the police."

"I already have. Hurry!"

I pay for the stuff and rush home.

When I pull up, I see Illy and some guy on the lawn. I jump out of my car and without a second thought, I whip out my pocket knife.

"Get the fuck away from her!" I yell.

The guy turns around and throws his hands up just in time for me to see who it is and stop myself from hurting him.



Tall, Dark, and Anxious (An Adam Driver fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now