& Heights

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Pairings: Peter Parker x Reader
Fandom: Marvel

Warnings: Fluff
SUMMARY: Pete doesn't believe you're afraid of heights

"Ah, come on, you can't be serious." Peter pleaded upon hearing you were deathly afraid of heights, "You're messing with me, you've got to be!"

You shook your head, "I promise you, I'm not. I will literally barf all over your shoes!"

"Pfft, it can't be that bad." You shook your head once more, this time crossing your arms, "Not even for Spider-Man?"

You gave Pete a 'really?' look, "I won't even do it for you, my boyfriend, and you think I'm gonna 'face my fears' for some stranger!?" His face fell as you watched him begin to pout, "No can-do Petey, I'd like to keep that cereal from this morning inside my stomach."

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