! Jealous Wolf

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Pairings: Geralt of Rivia x Fem!Reader, Jaskier x Fem!Reader (both platonic)
Fandom: The Witcher

Word Count
: 1,325 (allegedly)
Warnings: Cursing, blood, monsters, jealousy, a bit of angst
SUMMARY: You get on with Jaskier so well that a certain witcher feels left out.
#13: "Hmm. So you do have feelings." #36: "Get back in bed, you're not healed yet!"

A/N ​'s dad!geralt fics have inspired me!! Also... the way I wrote over 1k words in less than two hours is so wild, I haven't been able to do this in AGES.

Jaskier was probably the biggest gossip she'd ever met, as soon as he got comfortable with Y/N, she suddenly knew every secret of any princess or knight she could think of. And sure, maybe she was neglecting her dear Geralt a touch, but Y/N was always with him, Jaskier was a nice change of pace.

"One time, I got caught in Princess Yelga's bed chambers and had to jump out of her window naked as the day I was born! I would say I'm embarrassed but it was quite fun!"

Sure... Jaskier was a bit out there and far different from her usual company, but she enjoyed his theatrics sometimes. "It sounds as though you've had your fair share of princes and princess, Jaskier..." The bard nodded with a sly smile as Y/N drank from her mug of mead.

With his arm around Y/N, Jaskier struggled to look at Geralt who sat beside her, "Are you alright Geralt? You look... angrier than usual." Jaskier asked innocently at the sight of a brooding Geralt. It was normal for Geralt to brood, but he was less broody... and more, irritated. She just assumed it was Jaskier's non-stop talking.

"Fine, I've got a monster to kill."

Y/N's eyes lit up, "Can I join?!" Geralt merely shook his head before leaving the tavern. She deflated immediately and pouted at Geralt's figure out the window. It was raining outside and not to mention it was nearly midnight. "He's usually a bit nicer."

Jaskier's eyebrows shot upward, "Really? That's normal for me."

"Well, he likes me more than he likes you, Jaskier..." She thought for a moment before making a decision, "I'm going after him, if we're not back by morning then something is wrong." He nodded at the young girl.


Finding Geralt proved to be far more difficult than she initially thought it would be. Y/N tried to remember what contracts he'd picked up when they made it into town but kept drawing up blanks. But upon further thought, she realized what he must be hunting.

A goddamn werewolf... Y/N cringed at the thought of those ugly creatures. Sure, they're man sometimes but in their monster form... it just makes her uncomfortable. The first werewolf she ever saw was in Skellige, it was cursed and Geralt managed to help him with the help of herself and Yennefer.

Y/N looked for the clues Geralt taught her to watch for and rode her trusty horse, Bart, through the night. The sounds of a fight happening came sooner than she expected, so she hopped of Bart. Roach must have been nearby because Bart walked away to the right.

The first thing Y/N did was brandish your silver sword, it was still practically new since she got it. Just last year on her seventeenth birthday, Geralt gifted the young girl with the beautiful weapon. It only had a few kills, mostly Drowned, but a few Wraiths were taken down with it.

Once she found the cave opening, Y/n rushed toward it and spotted Geralt struggling. An absolutely massive Fiend stood over him, obviously trying to hypnotize the man as Y/N tried to think of the best tactic. She sheathed her sword and pulled the crossbow off her back.

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