& Liar liar, Pants on Fire

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Pairings: Adrian Chase x Reader
Fandom: DCECU, Peacemaker TV

Warnings: Cursing, arguing

A/N This is lowkey a continuation of ""

"I still can't believe you're jealous of how I met Chris," You smiled in amusement at the memory of Vigilante grilling you for information on how you met Peacemaker. He wanted all the statistics.

"I am not fucking jealous, Y/N. You didn't even like-meet him first or anything, that's lamer than how I met him!"

You nodded at him, "Mmm, sure that's exactly what you think."

Adrian jaw dropped as he gaped at you, "Actually, yes, it is what I think. And you know what else I think?" He asked.

"What?" You didn't really care for the answer but were curious nonetheless.

"I think that meeting Peacemaker on a stupidass Suicide Squad of all things is lame as fuck. And you know what else?" You rolled your eyes, "Me meeting him as Christopher Smith in my backyard when I was 11 is WAY cooler on two levels. 1) It was personal, I didn't even know he was a superhero yet, and 2) We then went on to become partners in crime which is like..." Adrian dramatically tapped his chin, "A million fucking times cooler than being sent to die together."

You couldn't help but laugh in his face. It was too funny, he was so genuinely passionate about everything he said. Adrian's authenticity was refreshing as fuck. "Oh my god, you... you're so fucking funny, Adrian I'm like... actually appalled."

"You're a dick!"

The laughter did not stop spilling from within you, you held onto the bar for an anchor as you belted and tipped over on the stool. "Your-" You choked, "Your passion is just-" It was hard to speak; you were giggling too hard, "It's so funny I can't even- Oh my god-your fucking face is hilarious, lemme take a picture." You reached for your phone but he snatched it out of your hands.

"No photos, you know the rules man. Also quite laughing like that you sound like a goat."

"Ouch, that's rude."

Adrian shrugged at you, "And? You just laughed at me like I said the funniest joke ever. That's rude."

You gasped, "Wait you understood I was laughing at you and not with you?" He nodded, visibly confused, "Then why don't you say shit when the rest of the team laughs at you?"

Adrian glanced away and pushed his glasses up, "I don't like arguing, okay?"

"That's a goddamn lie, we argue all of the time."

"It's funner with you!"

"Funner isn't a fucking word, man." You argued.

He shook his head, "That is a goddamn lie. Funner is 100% a word, Y/N/N."

"Hmm..." You squinted then shook your head, "Nope, it's not."

"It is."

This goes on for at least two more minutes before the bartender begs you two to shut up.

"It's not a word."

Adrian grumbled under his breath, "Liar liar, pants on fire."

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