@ Worried

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Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader
Fandom: Marvel

Warnings: Blood, guns, near death
SUMMARY: [see request]
Request from anon: Headcanon for Steve Rogers when his s/o takes a bullet for him and saves his life?

A/N I hope you like it

Steve would be so worried about youHe'd immediately rush you back to safety as soon as he took care of the enemiesHe didn't even know you were on the mission with himSo he's not only scared for your life, but he's surprised beyond beliefHe would not leave your side for a moment"Why'd you do it, Y/N? I woulda been fine,""It's okay Steve, just hurts.""You got shot!"He'd probably yell at Tony for not letting him know you were thereThings would get messy since Steve refuses to leave you alone during your recovery"They need me! If you would have told me they were coming on the mission, nothing would have happened!"Sam would be the one to calm Steve down"Steve, they're going to be okay. We got the best technology available. Y/N will understand that you have to work."Eventually Steve would tell you he has to go away on a mission"It's fine, I'm recovering at the correct rate, soon enough I'll be up and running again! Dr. Cho says so long as I stay here, it'll go smoothly."Once you've healed, I think Steve would take extra care of youBringing you breakfast in bed, giving you extra affection, protecting you far more than he previously did

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