! Spiders And Toy Soldiers

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Pairings: Kaz Brekker x Reader, SOC canon pairings
Fandom: Grishaverse
Word Count
: 2,139
: Six of Crows Spoilers, mentions of a fem looking reader for sake of the plot, wee bit of tension
SUMMARY: You're the leader of a mostly fem gang called the Black Widows and the leader of your rivaling gang, Kaz Brekker is in need of some help.
Request from ​: kaz brekker x reader with rivals to lovers? like maybe they're two different gangs and rival all the time, but once they do a job together?

A/N Um... I've been trying to finish this since you requested and honestly forgot where I was going with it. I might finish it one day but here's a half-baked fic that's mostly exposition :) Maybe one day I'll writing a second part?

Also, I know it might see similar to ​'s piece, "Black Widow" but at the time I started writing this, I wasn't aware she wrote a Kaz piece with the same premise of Y/N being a gang leader! You can read her piece :) (it's amazing!!)

Everyone in the Barrel knew of the rivalry between the Dregs and your gang, the Black Widows. Two completely different gangs but both equally feared. You were well aware of the things people said about you, "They've got a scorpion's tail that'll prick you when you turn your back!", "My brother got a good look once and now he's blind."

There were about a hundred different names used to describe you. But the one you laughed at the most was Medusa. "A gang named after spiders and the leader's a fuckin' snake." The memory of blinding the man who said that never left your mind, none of them did. But you didn't let it affect you outwardly.

It was beautiful being untouchable. Some people would try to take you down, but your loyal members would sweep them under the rug as if they were toy soldiers. Your widows are far more effective than any male soldier. A gang of women run by someone who nobody has ever lived to tell an accurate account of.

Despite your terrifying reputation, you're hardly 18. A youngster, just like Kaz Brekker... the boy known as Dirty Hands aka your biggest rival. You two never met but you've dealt with his little bird, Inej Ghafa aka the Wraith. A pretty girl with a tendency to spy on you.

You hated how she managed to squeeze her way past your defenses but one night it was more than necessary. The Wraith had a proposition, from Dirty Hands himself... a bloody truce between yourself and the Dregs.

When the words left the Wraith's mouth, you laughed in her face. "A truce? With the Dregs? Darling, I'm afraid to tell you this, but Kaz Brekker doesn't run the Dregs. I'm well aware he fronts as the boss but I'm sure Per Haskell would love to hear of this little truce Dirty Hands has cooked up."

A Widow chuckled to herself which prompted you to glare in her direction, "Out, now." She nodded and left without another word. "Ms. Ghafa, I'm sure you're well aware that Black Widows don't have partners... left alone allies."

"What if there were 30 million Kruge involved?"

Of course, this piqued your interest, 30 million split between a small team would land everyone into retirement if they choose so. You knew there was a catch, 30 million Kruge is only certain if the crew dies in the process... no one would ever throw away that much money.

"Any job paying that much means certain death,"

Your right-hand man leaned closer and whispered in your ear. "Word is Pekka Rollins knows about this, we could all be free if you take the offer."

Jeska's words weighed heavy on your chest. "We" included yourself, despite escaping from hell, you still had plenty of people to pay off. You looked around the office at each of the ladies, the gang was more than just a group of people using one another.

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