& Monsters

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Pairings: Geralt x Reader
Fandom: The Witcher (2019)
, !
Warnings: Geralt being sad boy

Fluff #4: "Can I kiss you?"Bliss #8: "I wouldn't change a thing about you."

A/N Since this is a celebration, I'm doing strictly genderless reader inserts so everyone can feel included!! Bro... imagine if Henry actually said his lines.

The orange light of the fire made for a very pretty looking Geralt. The shadows it cast made his handsome face appear to be carved out of marble, smooth... untouchable. You sat by his side, enjoying the silence that often came once Jaskier finally fell asleep.

"Can I kiss you?" You suddenly asked and Geralt's eyes widened.

He appeared startled, which made no sense to you. You'd been giving him 'the look' for the past week or so. Hoping the Witcher would get it through his thick skull that you liked him as more than a traveling companion. "Why would you want to kiss a Witcher?"

It was odd, hearing him speak a full sentence and not just an unamused 'hmm'. You gave him your best puzzled expression you could muster. "Why does your being a Witcher matter?" Your voice was quiet to ensure Jaskier didn't hear.

"Most assume we're monsters."

You snorted at his stupid answer and leaned toward him, eyes on the yellow of his cat-like ones. "I wouldn't change a thing about you, Geralt of Rivia."

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