@ One in The Same

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Pairings: Tobias Eaton x Reader
Fandom: Divergent
Warnings: Cursing?
SUMMARY: [see request]
Request from anon: hiii- so um, if requests are open, could i please request a fic or a headcanon for tobias eaton?? if not that's totally fine! so- for a headcanon/fic i was thinking something along the lines of tobias slowly becoming comfortable with the reader? like, he'll start to share small things about him the more they hangout, and eventually he tells the reader his feelings for them?? ahh i hope this makes sense- thank you!! <3

A/N I think I've forgotten how to write headcanons y'all... this is deadass 1k words. Also this request is so cute, I hope this is suitable <3 Can we please normalize calling guys pretty 🥺

It started off with little things that made Four intrigued by youFirstly, you being a transfer from Amity to Dauntless of all factionsSecondly, despite being raised to be kind, you were the most ruthless of initiatesAnd lastly, you had a way of drawing attention to yourself; either intentional or not that made you seem magnetic to FourYou two didn't really meet until after you were properly welcomed as a member of the Dauntless factionThe two of you both worked in security, you weren't a good leader and you enjoyed technology even if Amity wasn't the most "techy" factionIt was easy working beside Four, he wasn't annoying or arrogant which you found to be very refreshing"All of the others here think they're better than me, it's crazy." (You)Small talk wasn't your forte but the silence in the room was deafening"Tell me about it," (Four)He knew a thing or two about arrogant assholes, one always came to mind; Eric CoulterAfter that, you two began hanging out togetherSitting beside each other during meals became routine, it was convenient especially when you had to tell him something in regards to work"I was thinking of getting a tattoo, want to join me?" (You)You skipped out on tattoos when the other initiates got them, it didn't feel right at the time"Sure, what're you getting?" (Four)"I dunno, it'll be my first." (You)After that, Four looks at you differentlyHe honestly expected you to dive headfirst into "Dauntless life" to prove you were worthy because you came from AmityThe trip to the tattoo parlor was one of many times you two spent time together outside of work"Being in Amity was so weird, I've always been sort of angry by nature so it was hell trying to be peaceful." (You)"You don't seem angry," (Four)"Oh 16 years of standing in the corner will do that to a person." (You)Things never got that personal, but when the conversation felt too close to home (for either of you) one of you quickly switched topicsYour friendship worked well in that way"One time I put a frog in my cousin's bed and had to do like a hundred hours of community service. I was nine." (You)"My old faction as a whole wasn't horrible. But I didn't fit in well..." (Four)"Same here, least we got each other right?" (You)It became obvious to Four that you two were more alike than he originally realizedTwo people from similar factions with similar upbringings... both having grown up feeling out of placeFour realized his feelings for you were turning into something more when you made him a cake for his birthdayYour bright smile and messy apron made him stop in his tracks, surprised"Dauntless chocolate cake for my favorite person's birthday!" (You)"How'd you know?" (Four)"You mentioned it when we first met, how's it feel to be an old man, Four?" (You)That night was something different, stargazing after watching a movie felt so intimate with Four, but so comfortable at the same time"No one's ever made me a cake before." (Four)"Not even your mom?" (You)You found out she passed soon after and instead of asking more questions like usual, you just kept him company"I never really considered leaving Amity until I got my aptitude test results," (You)"What'd you get?" (Four)"Dauntless, duh." (You)Four had laughed at that, you always surprised him with your random sarcastic outbursts or remarks"Bet it came as a surprise." (Four)"Not really, if anything I was thankful for a way out. Despite their appearance, Amity isn't as beautiful as they claim to be." (You)Four genuinely recognized his feelings when you and some initiates from your group invited him to some shenanigans, he hadn't done anything like that since he transferred, but you were adamant"Come on, it'll be fun! I did this on like my third night here and nearly died but it was so worth it!" (You)It actually turned out to be fun, the same game of capture the flag but in a different area of the cityFour was on your team (luckily) and you two were taking people out left and rightWhen you saved him by taking down one of the enemies, he watched in awe at how good you were (man is WHIPPED)That was the first night you crashed at his place because you were so tired"I'll pay you back tomorrow, mkay?" (You)You made him breakfast in the morning, it wasn't anything spectacular just something to repay him for giving up his bed"Nobody's made me breakfast in like ten years." (Four)"That sucks, but I'm glad I could be that person..." (You)Neither of you spoke after that, it was like the energy in the air after the game of capture the flag completely changedIt wasn't uncomfortable, just... heavy... with things unsaidI feel like Four would keep himself from being nice all of a sudden since it would be weird if he suddenly changed up on youBut he found it hard because your company made him happyAt one point he told you his real name, out of the blue, he just asked if you'd start calling him it when it was just you two"Call me Tobias," (Four)
"Why would I call you that, your name's Four- Oh... that's your real name isn't it? Hmm, it's nice, serious just like you." (You)He would often catch himself staring at you as you spoke or enjoying the sound of your voice"Tobias? You there?" (You)You'd caught him staring and it made him get really embarrassedIt was weird seeing Four flustered and struggling to find the right words, you were usually the less composed one"Are you okay? You look like you're having an allergic reaction, staring is normal. I do it all the time." (You)This would confuse Four, you stared at him? No... that couldn't be true, could it?"What I meant to say was-" (You)"What?" (Four)Now things felt awkward, those unsaid words were heavy in the air; both of you knew but didn't want to ruin a nice thing (your friendship)"I stare at you... because you're pretty." (You)"Never been called pretty before," (Four)"Well... you are, very pretty." (You)"You're prettier but I'll take it." (Four)His sudden confidence came out of nowhere but he was definitely thankful for it"You think I'm pretty?" (You)"I think you're great... in general... it's weird but I feel comfortable to be myself around you," (Four)"That's not weird, I feel the same." (You)Things didn't change all too much after that, neither of you wanted to rush into things because your friendship was too beautiful to ruin by making a mistake

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