& What Was He

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Pairings: Malyen Oretsev x Reader
Fandom: Grishaverse

Warnings: Death mention
: Tackle Hug

A/N This is so short but here's my first Grishaverse piece! I am definitely not intimidated by this fandom and the brilliant world building done by Leigh... nope... anywho, let me know your thoughts via my ask box and don't hesitate to ask to be added to my taglist! I have a Kaz Brekker fic in the works as well :)

It had been what felt like years since you'd last seen Mal. His letters told you of everything he endured as a member of the first army, every hardship he and his unit overcame. It felt incredibly silly to live your life like it was all normal, so much like your two friends (Alina and Mal), you enlisted. Sure, the first army may have needed you days, weeks, or months ago but late was better than never.

You would make a fine field medic, growing up in the orphanage forced you to get creative with cleaning wounds. And you were always so good at calming Alina or Mal down during a crisis... After the first Grisha testing, you had to stitch up Alina and your hands. Both of you held bits of porcelain in your fists so as to stay with Mal. He'd be eaten alive on his own.

It was as though you had an affinity for healing others. You took that as a sign to do just that, Alina would see the world as a mapmaker, Mal would too as a tracker... but you'd stay on the frontlines trying to save as many lives as possible.

Three months into your stay in Ravka, you had to make a trip through the shadow fold. Everything inside told you to stay out of that cursed place, more people died there than not. You knew it would only end up killing those around you.

Things went as planned for nearly the entire trip through the fold, the Squallers pushed the skiff slowly and surely, the Heartrenders were ready to attack with any Inferni on board. It was a perfect balance of protection and silence...

Then chaos was unleashed as if it were in a bottle: a sail caught on fire. The light attracted what seemed to be a hundred Volcra toward your group. You'd never seen Grisha fight before and you'd definitely never seen them die so easily before. Normal human men went down like deer in the woods, not the powerful Grisha... it was horrifying but somehow you managed to survive.

Less than a quarter of those on board stepped off of the skiff... and when you did you saw the boy you dreamt about nearly every night. Malyen Oretsev, your... what was he? Your friend? Your partner? Oh saints, it didn't matter.

All that did was upon seeing you, he rushed and hugged you so tightly the memories of the swarming volcra were washed away. You couldn't say anything but that you missed him.

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