& Badass

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Pairings: Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Fandom: Marvel

Warnings: Light cursing, mention of stomach sickness
SUMMARY: Peter Parker helps you shave your head!
Request from anon: Hey!! Inspired by your AWESOME video! Could I please request a drabble or blurb where the reader gets Peter Parker (Marvel) to help her shave her head, and she ends up loving her new look, and so does Peter 😉 Thanks very much!! 😘

A/N Omg this is such a cute idea & I'm glad my video inspired this!!

"Are you sure about this, Y/N? Once you do it... there's no going back."

You held a shaver in your hands- with a number two cover on the blade -while you and Peter discussed the matter at hand - you shaving your head. It just came to you, the urge to have a buzzcut and you texted Pete immediately.

"Not really no, but if I don't do it now... then I'll never do it."

Peter nodded and reached for the shaver, "This is like super low... aunt May doesn't even use a two on my hair! You're gonna be bald, Y/N..."

"Don't say that Pete... you're gonna scare me outta doing it."

He pouted at you, "I'll be here for emotional support, bud." Peter held out his fist and you bumped yours against it. "You got this!"

You took a deep breath before pressing the shaver against your head and pushing it toward the back of your scalp. The feeling was odd and a bit painful since it dragged against your hair but when you opened your eyes again, you gasped loudly.

"Oh shit! How close is that?!" Your wide eyes met Peter's as you glanced at him in the mirror, "Oh god, I've really done it now, haven't I?" He nodded as you bit your lip. "Will you finish the rest for me? I feel queasy."

"For sure! Just know you're going to look badass!"


It didn't take much longer for Peter to finish off the rest of your head. Soon, you were as bald as Pete that one time he got gum in his hair. You kept your eyes closed the entire time Peter shaved away at the remaining hair and when the shaver finally stopped buzzing, you opened them.

"Oh my god, I kinda... love it." You felt your head and rubbed against the short hair, "It feels so weird!" Peter did the same after you said he could and agreed with a chuckle.

"You look amazing, Y/N!"

Imagine It | Multi-Fandom ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora