! Besties 4 The Resties (Part 2)

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Pairings: Adrian Chase x "Hero"!Reader
Fandom: DCECU

Word Count
: ~ 1,800
Warnings: Canon-typical whatevers
SUMMARY: You find out the butterflies raided your place and Vigilante offers to let you stay with him.

A/N Didn't expect this fic to be so long but there's a 3rd part already in the making as well :)

You woke up in the office on that terrible futon chair. "Goddamn," Your head was spinning and there was an IV in your left arm. "Who the hell put a-"

"Economos did, you alright?" Adebayo stood in the doorway, "You've been out for like an entire day."

"Shit," You murmur and swing your legs over the side of the couch, "I'm okay." Adebayo pauses and nods as you test your movements. The swirling feeling in your head settled, it didn't hurt as much. "Hm, still feel where that dickwad stabbed me."

Adebayo laughed, "That's good actually. John had to wrestle Vigilante to let him take care of your IV."

"Vig doesn't even know anything about IVs what-"

She shrugged, "I don't know that man is-" She lifted her hands in exasperation as you chuckled with a nod.

"Yea he's something isn't he." You said with a smile, "He called a group of butterflies fucking- groin-sandwiches." Her face crinkled together in confusion, "I thought the same."

Vigilante really was an interesting guy. He seemed heartless at first glance but he could be really sweet when he wanted to. Adrian consistently would say he didn't feel anything but you didn't find that part weird-you related if anything. Like sure, you felt things but more often than not you didn't.

That understanding has led to being called a sociopath on many accounts. Adrian deals with the same thing himself from the team. You're surprised they haven't said anything, because their faces sure paint a vivid picture.

Mostly Chris' because you can read him like a picture book. His face doesn't change much but when it does you pick it up with ease. He hates it. (he told you himself) "Stop telling me how I'm feeling and shit-it's creepy. Maybe figure out what you're not feeling before you try to teach me about my feelings."

It stung a little bit but he was right. You were constantly helping others understand how they felt that you always ignored how you were feeling. At this point, you were shit at gauging how you felt. It was hellish.

"Who's all here?"

"Uh, me, Harcourt, and John." She thought for a moment, "I think Chris just got here."

You nodded, "Ok, I wanna go home." When you tried to stand up, Adebayo blocked your way out the door. "What?"

"About that."


Apparently your house was ransacked by those creepy ass butterflies. It pissed you off more than being stabbed by one. At least that was repairable. Adebayo offered to let you stay in her hotel room but you couldn't intrude, plus you didn't like sharing such small spaces.

"Fucking hell why didn't they trash anyone else's place?" They all shrugged, "They literally know Peacemaker's real identity. Mine is unknown that's fucked."

"Maybe they know who you are?" Harcourt suggested.

Economos spoke, "How would they know that? I've never even seen their face?"

You pointed at him in agreement, "Exactly, nobody but maybe Murn has seen my face. And as far as we know these bastards aren't like-hive minds."

"Murn was a butterfly?" Chris blurted.

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