& Stoic Soldier

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Pairings: Matthias Helvar x Heartrender!Reader
Fandom: Grishaverse

Warnings: Cursing?
: "Hmm. So you do have feelings."

A/N Writing Matthias feeling any awkward/uncomfortable emotions is Such a treat<3

Matthias Helvar was the definition of a good soldier. He did as he was told and he did it well-for the most part.

With you, he found it hard to stay on the right path; the-ironically enough-righteous path. Something about you made his heart stop and wait a second to decide if he could bear any possible embarrassment of you hearing (more like feeling) his heartbeat.

And by djel did he hate the effect you had on him. It was unbearable. It made him feel like some idiotic lovesick teenager whenever you came around. Kaz Brekker often found a use for a heartrender like yourself.

With you came Matthias' one source of insecurity. With the Druskelle it was easy, eventually, with the Crows it was easy. Then there was you. An obstacle he didn't have the ability to climb over (yet).

You'd always made sly comments and take subtle digs at his competence. He often choked up in your presence which prompted you to ask if he was just dumb or chose to be silent. That made him turn as red as Nina's lipstick.

It wasn't like you were unaware-it was quite hard not to notice how he changed once Matthias became aware of your presence. And honestly, it was kind of hilarious what one joke could do to his ego.

"You can stop staring now, Helvar."

He blushed and averted his gaze quickly, the motion awkward and obviously genuine surprise. "I was not staring," He lied.

"I felt your heart skip a beat when you lied," The blush deepened and spread down his neck, you tried to fight the smirk that grew on your face. "Oh, I see." Matthias tensed his jaw when you set a hand on his arm, "It wasn't the lie that made your little heart sputter, was it?"

He didn't answer, which only proved your own point further.

"Hmm. So you do have feelings."

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